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[ beyth ] / beɪð / SEE SYNONYMS FOR bathe ON THESAURUS.COM
verb (used with object), bathed, bath·ing.to immerse (all or part of the body) in water or some other liquid, for cleansing, refreshment, etc. to wet; wash. to moisten or suffuse with any liquid. to apply water or other liquid to, with a sponge, cloth, etc.: to bathe a wound. to wash over or against, as by the action of the sea, a river, etc.: incoming tides bathing the coral reef. to cover or surround: a shaft of sunlight bathing the room; a morning fog bathing the city. verb (used without object), bathed, bath·ing.to take a bath or sunbath. to swim for pleasure. to be covered or surrounded as if with water. nounBritish. - the act of bathing, especially in the sea, a lake, or a river.
- a swimming bath.
Origin of bathebefore 1000; Middle English bath(i)en,Old English bathian, equivalent to bæthbath1 + -ian infinitive suffix OTHER WORDS FROM bathere·bathe, verb, re·bathed, re·bath·ing.WORDS THAT MAY BE CONFUSED WITH bathebath, bathe Words nearby batheBat Hayil, Bath bun, Bath chair, Bath chap, bath cube, bathe, bather, bathers, bathetic, bathhouse, Bathinette Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for batheJasmin helps her transfer in and out of her wheelchair, get dressed, and bathe. Care Providers Fight for $15 and a Union|Jasmin Almodovar, Shirley Thompson|December 5, 2014|DAILY BEAST With little water and only a few hours of electricity a day they were unable to shower or bathe the 25 children in the apartment. Israel’s Campaign to Send Gaza Back to the Stone Age|Jesse Rosenfeld|July 29, 2014|DAILY BEAST I remember getting up and going in to bathe him and dress him. Ireland’s ‘Mother and Baby Home’ Horror Goes Beyond Tuam’s Dead Infants|Patsy McGarry|June 6, 2014|DAILY BEAST Women would first bathe their feet in a mixture of vinegar and natural vegetation. Corsets, Muslin Disease, and More of the Deadly Fashion Trends|The Fashion Beast Team|April 1, 2014|DAILY BEAST
When we get home from work we are already tired and the last thing we want to do is feed, bathe, play with a kid. Why I Choose to Be Child-Free: Readers Share Their Stories|Harry Siegel|February 27, 2013|DAILY BEAST We went down to bathe stark naked, with the sunset glowing orange on our sunburnt limbs. At Suvla Bay|John Hargrave Take a purgative, bathe with cold lotion, and exclude light to keep down inflammation. Mrs. Hale's Receipts for the Million|Sarah Josepha Hale She took him to the table, and began to bathe the wounded forehead in cold water. Rollo's Experiments|Jacob Abbott When the people go to bathe, they go into the water in the garment they happen to be wearing at the time. The Kingdom of the Yellow Robe|Ernest Young Then bidding me stay where I was while he procured some water with which to bathe the wound, he left me and went forrard. The Beautiful White Devil|Guy Boothby
British Dictionary definitions for bathe
verb(intr) to swim or paddle in a body of open water or a river, esp for pleasure (tr) to apply liquid to (skin, a wound, etc) in order to cleanse or soothe to immerse or be immersed in a liquidto bathe machine parts in oil mainly US and Canadian to wash in a bath (tr; often passive) to suffuseher face was bathed with radiance (tr) (of water, the sea, etc) to lap; washwaves bathed the shore nounBritish a swim or paddle in a body of open water or a river Derived forms of bathebather, nounWord Origin for batheOld English bathian; related to Old Norse batha, Old High German badōn Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to bathescrub, submerge, soak, dip, scour, douse, clean, wet, steep, rinse, immerse, dunk, water, moisten, hose, suffuse, bath, shower, flood, sponge |