He ignored, too, his chairman of the Federal Reserve, Marriner Eccles, a small, peppery Mormon banker from Utah.
Stop Trying to Balance Budgets!|Harold Evans|June 28, 2010|DAILY BEAST
Mr. Marriner has written the lyrics for two musical comedies; and he has had short-stories in the periodicals.
Kentucky in American Letters, v. 2 of 2|John Wilson Townsend
But Saurin did not want companionship; he preferred that of Marriner and Company.
Dr. Jolliffe's Boys|Lewis Hough
Marriner was keeping a tavern in New York City before the war.
Old Taverns of New York|William Harrison Bayles
Noting this, Marriner determined to give the English fresh cause for chagrin.
Old Taverns of New York|William Harrison Bayles
Mrs. Marriner disappeared amongst the crowd, and a new witness took her place.
In the Mayor's Parlour|J. S. (Joseph Smith) Fletcher
/ (ˈmærɪnə) /
Sir Neville. born 1924, British conductor and violinist; founder (1956) and director of the Academy of St Martin in the Fields, which specializes in baroque music
Words nearby Marriner
marriage guidance, marriage of convenience, marriage portion, married, married print, Marriner, marron, marrons glacés, marrow, marrowbone, marrowbones