

单词 marsh harrier

Example sentences from the Web for marsh harrier

  • The marsh-harrier notes the date and becomes a determined oologist.

    Unexplored Spain|Abel Chapman
  • Many of the young of the Marsh-Harrier are uniformly very dark, bronze-black, with rich orange crowns—strikingly handsome birds.

    Wild Spain (Espaa agreste)|Abel Chapman
  • Occasionally, too, a marsh-harrier may be met with, but this is a rara avis even in these outlandish parts.

    A Cotswold Village|J. Arthur Gibbs
  • I felt the sweeping wind of a marsh-harrier who had found me too suddenly and was half a mile away ere I could get up to shoot.

    Unexplored Spain|Abel Chapman

marsh harrier


a European harrier, Circus aeruginosus, that frequents marshy regions
Also: marsh hawk US and Canadian a common harrier, Circus cyaneus, that flies over fields and marshes and nests in marshes and open landAlso called (in Britain and certain other countries): hen harrier

Words nearby marsh harrier

marsh fern, marsh fever, Marshfield, marsh gas, marsh grass, marsh harrier, marsh hawk, marsh hen, marshland, marshmallow, marshmallow test
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