the substance or substances of which a thing is made or composed: Stone is a durable material.
anything that serves as crude or raw matter to be used or developed: Wood pulp is the raw material from which paper is made.
any constituent element.
a textile fabric: material for a dress.
a group of ideas, facts, data, etc., that may provide the basis for or be incorporated into some integrated work: to gather material for a history of North Carolina; to write material for a comedy show.
materials,the articles or apparatus needed to make or do something: writing materials.
a person considered as having qualities suited to a particular sphere of activity: The boy's teachers did not think he was college material.
formed or consisting of matter; physical; corporeal: the material world.
relating to, concerned with, or involving matter: material forces.
pertaining to the physical rather than the spiritual or intellectual aspect of things: material comforts.
pertaining to or characterized by an undue interest in corporeal things; unspiritual.
of substantial import; of much consequence; important: Your support will make a material difference in the success of our program.
pertinent or essential (usually followed by to): a question not material to the subject at hand.
Law. likely to influence the determination of a case: material evidence.
Philosophy. of or relating to matter as distinguished from form.
Origin of material
1300–50; Middle English <Late Latin māteriālis of, belonging to matter. See matter, -al1
matelote, mater, mater dolorosa, materfamilias, materia alba, material, material cause, material culture, material implication, materialism, materialist
This is because all three used the same materials and pedagogical approach.
Why hasn’t digital learning lived up to its promise?|Walter Thompson|September 17, 2020|TechCrunch
Facebook Business Suite has the potential to make them better social media marketers, which could then have a material impact on SMB sales — and survival.
Facebook Business Suite is a new cross-app management tool for SMBs|Greg Sterling|September 17, 2020|Search Engine Land
The purse-size bag is made with whitewater-raft-shell material and eschews the typical roll-top or waterproof zipper for a double seal using strong magnets and Velcro.
The Gear That Lets Me Enjoy the Last Days of Summer|Graham Averill|September 15, 2020|Outside Online
First, the placement of the audit report to be discussed on our committee’s website is behind some 300 pages of other material, as if someone were trying to bury it.
Politics Report: Forged Footnote 15|Scott Lewis and Andrew Keatts|September 12, 2020|Voice of San Diego
NASA will sort out any retrieval plans for the material at a later date.
NASA wants to buy moon rocks from anyone who can fund their own space trip|Verne Kopytoff|September 10, 2020|Fortune
The problem, of course, is that politicized ideas—religious and otherwise—are entangled with material problems.