释义 |
[ muh-gwahyuhr ] / məˈgwaɪər /
nounMark David, born 1963, U.S. baseball player. Words nearby McGwireMcGraw, McGregor, McGuffey, McGuffey's Readers, McGuffin, McGwire, MCh, MCHC, M.Ch.E., McHenry, mCi Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for McGwireA budding rookie pitcher went up to McGwire at one point and suggested they go to dinner together. Barry Bonds' Federal Steroids Case Was a Travesty|Buzz Bissinger|April 3, 2011|DAILY BEAST But McGwire, unlike Bonds, played journalists like the marionettes they are. Barry Bonds' Federal Steroids Case Was a Travesty|Buzz Bissinger|April 3, 2011|DAILY BEAST Yes, McGwire did finally fess up during an interview with Bob Costas in 2010. Barry Bonds' Federal Steroids Case Was a Travesty|Buzz Bissinger|April 3, 2011|DAILY BEAST In truth, McGwire could be aloof and arrogant in the clubhouse. Barry Bonds' Federal Steroids Case Was a Travesty|Buzz Bissinger|April 3, 2011|DAILY BEAST
"I suppose this might do for the little girl," suggested Mrs. McGwire, affably. The Cottage of Delight|Will N. Harben Mrs. McGwire was helping in the kitchen, and Betty joined her and became a waitress herself. The Cottage of Delight|Will N. Harben Mrs. McGwire was there, hemming sheets for the house, and was deeply touched by his act. The Cottage of Delight|Will N. Harben "I'm very proud of my son," Mrs. McGwire said, looking after the boy with beaming eyes. The Cottage of Delight|Will N. Harben "You have been a godsend to us all, Mr. Trott," Mrs. McGwire declared. The Cottage of Delight|Will N. Harben
British Dictionary definitions for McGwire
nounMark (David). born 1963, US baseball player Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 |