an undertaking involving uncertainty as to the outcome, especially a risky or dangerous one: a mountain-climbing venture.
a business enterprise or speculation in which something is risked in the hope of profit; a commercial or other speculation: Their newest venture allows you to order their products online.
the money, ship, cargo, merchandise, or the like, on which risk is taken in a business enterprise or speculation.
Obsolete. hazard or risk.
verb (used with object),ven·tured,ven·tur·ing.
to expose to hazard; risk: to venture one's fortune;to venture one's life.
to take the risk of; brave the dangers of: to venture a voyage into space.
to undertake to express, as when opposition or resistance appears likely to follow; be bold enough; dare: I venture to say that you are behaving foolishly.
to take the risk of sending.
verb (used without object),ven·tured,ven·tur·ing.
to make or embark upon a venture; dare to enter or go: He ventured deep into the jungle.
to take a risk; dare; presume: to venture on an ambitious program of reform.
to invest venture capital.
of or relating to an investment or investments in new businesses: a venture fund.
Idioms for venture
at a venture, according to chance; at random: A successor was chosen at a venture.
Origin of venture
1400–50; late Middle English, aphetic variant of aventureadventure