[ meg -uh -fohn ] SHOW IPA
noun a cone-shaped device for magnifying or directing the voice, chiefly used in addressing a large audience out of doors or in calling to someone at a distance. Compare bullhorn.
verb (used with or without object), meg·a·phoned, meg·a·phon·ing. to transmit or speak through or as if through a megaphone.
Origin of megaphone An Americanism dating back to 1875–80; mega- + -phone
OTHER WORDS FROM megaphone meg·a·phon·ic [meg-uh -fon -ik], /ˌmɛg əˈfɒn ɪk/, adjective meg·a·phon·i·cal·ly, adverb Words nearby megaphone Megan, Megan's Law, Meganthropus, megaparsec, megaphanerophyte, megaphone , megaphyll, megapixel, megaplex, megapode, megapolis
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for megaphone Gotta have the beret and megaphone if I want people to take me seriously!
Jon Stewart Talks ‘Rosewater’ and the ‘Chickensh-t’ Democrats’ Midterm Massacre | Marlow Stern| November 9, 2014| DAILY BEAST
If we want a megaphone to the rest of the world, we must explicitly ask for it by changing that setting ourselves.
You Can’t Have Facebook’s Best Privacy Policy | Dennis Kneale| May 23, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Turn that megaphone around and use feedback you receive on the crowdsourcing and social media platforms as consumer feedback.
How to Win at Crowdfunding | Bianca Goodloe| April 27, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Boulden says the preachers yelled, “we hope you die from breast cancer” through a megaphone .
The Hipster Fred Phelps | Mary Emily O’Hara| December 8, 2013| DAILY BEAST
Had the word “Jewboys” come from the megaphone of sheriff Bull Connor, that would have been hateful.
The Maslin Stain: A Writer Defends Himself Against the NYT Critic | William Stadiem| February 1, 2013| DAILY BEAST
Again a question bellowed forth from the megaphone , "Oh, Lucien: where did he hit you?"
William Adolphus Turnpike | William Banks
The coxswain waved his megaphone at our friends in a friendly fashion, and then gave his attention to his crew.
The Eight-Oared Victors | Lester Chadwick
Seizing a megaphone , once again she sprang to the grass before the grandstand.
Mystery Wings | Roy J. Snell
At the central fire station the third alarm came in before the megaphone had repeated the second.
Even Griffith takes a back seat when Barry Nolan picks up the megaphone .
Linda Lee, Incorporated | Louis Joseph Vance
British Dictionary definitions for megaphone noun a funnel-shaped instrument used to amplify the voice See also loud-hailer
Derived forms of megaphone megaphonic (ˌmɛɡəˈfɒnɪk ), adjective megaphonically , adverb Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to megaphone public address system, bullhorn, amplifier