a program, movie, or other visual media product featuring moving images, with or without audio, that is recorded and saved digitally or on videocassette: Let's stay at home and watch a video.She used her phone to record a video of her baby's first steps.I spent all morning watching videos of cats online.
the elements of television, as in a program or script, pertaining to the transmission or reception of the image (distinguished from audio).
the video part of a television broadcast.
Informal. videotape.
Informal. television: She is a star of stage and video.
music video.
of or relating to the electronic apparatus for producing the television picture: video amplifier.
of or relating to television, especially the visual elements.
of or relating to videocassettes, VCRs, music videos, etc.: a video shop.
pertaining to or employed in the transmission or reception of television pictures.
Origin of video
1930–35; <Latin vidē(re) to see + -o as in audio
Words nearby video
vidarabine, vide, vide ante, vide infra, videlicet, video, video art, video call, video camera, videocassette, videocassette recorder