If elected, O’Brien said, he would commit to more vigorous testing of crime scene evidence.
As Trump Calls for Law and Order, Can Chicago’s Top Prosecutor Beat the Charge That She’s Soft on Crime?|by Mick Dumke|September 4, 2020|ProPublica
Liberals have traditionally favored vigorous enforcement of antitrust law across the economy.
There’s a partisan schism over the timing of a Google antitrust lawsuit|Timothy B. Lee|September 3, 2020|Ars Technica
The lack of vigorous competition, they argue, has allowed the Democrats and Republicans to carve out diametrically opposed political bases, fairly narrow and extremely partisan.
America’s Hidden Duopoly (Ep. 356 Rebroadcast)|Stephen J. Dubner|September 3, 2020|Freakonomics
The researchers used these thick substances because keeping a liquid aloft requires vigorous shaking — with larger pools requiring stronger vibrations — and a runny fluid like water would slosh around too much to form a stable, levitated layer.
Toy boats float upside down underneath a layer of levitated liquid|Maria Temming|September 2, 2020|Science News
Cynical Theories argues bad ideas should be debated, and defeated, with vigorous public discussion.
American Fringes: The Intellectual Dark Web Declares Its Independence|Nick Fouriezos|August 11, 2020|Ozy
Republicans are having a vigorous debate about whether or not to make serious appeals to the growing Hispanic electorate.
Even Conservative Evangelical Support Couldn’t Save Immigration Reform|Jacob Lupfer|July 6, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Obama and Modi are from two different planets, and each, in his heart, is likely to have vigorous contempt for the other.
Mr. Politically Correct Obama, Meet Your Opposite, India’s Mr. Modi|Tunku Varadarajan|May 17, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Polio, for example, has been eradicated in the Western hemisphere thanks to a vigorous international immunization program.
Thanks to Anti-Vaxxers, Mumps Are Back. What’s Next?|Russell Saunders|March 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Ordinarily, the possibility of a Perkins run for office would be about as thrilling as a vigorous tooth flossing.
Bring on the Made-for-Reality-TV District Race Down South|Michelle Cottle|February 25, 2014|DAILY BEAST
On the GOP side, Republicans promised that they would mount a vigorous defense of their governor.
In the Buckeye State, the Tea Party Bucks the Establishment Republican Governor|David Freedlander|January 2, 2014|DAILY BEAST
There was a sincere and vigorous demonstration in our behalf.
Zenobia|William Ware
Two vigorous oarsmen pulled till the blades bent, and the boat, aided by the stream, flew through the water.
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 62, No. 384, October 1847|Various
But for St. Paul, as for all sufficiently earnest and vigorous minds, there is a point at which these distinctions disappear.
Expositor's Bible: The Second Epistle to the Corinthians|James Denney
A large tree, 60 to 80 ft. high, with smooth square twigs on the vigorous growths.
Trees of the Northern United States|Austin C. Apgar
Wilson faced the vigorous form in the helmet and rubber overcoat.
The Web of the Golden Spider|Frederick Orin Bartlett
British Dictionary definitions for vigorous
/ (ˈvɪɡərəs) /
endowed with bodily or mental strength or vitality; robust
displaying, involving, characterized by, or performed with vigourvigorous growth