She found a way to make little kitten steps to the microphone in unison with the music.
Is Bigger Better for St. Vincent?|David Yaffe|December 4, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Both get electronics, but the proffered image for boys is a microphone; for girls, a radio.
Sexism Begins in the Toy Aisle|Nancy Kaffer|November 29, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Yeah, having a microphone and so many people under your control always frightened me.
George Clinton on Industry ‘Mobsters’ and How Nobody Wants to Listen to a Crackhead|Curtis Stephen|November 19, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Barrett had chanced to place a paternal hand on her head as he passed the microphone to the student next to her.
11 Children Shot in Milwaukee, One in Her Grandpa's Lap|Michael Daly|November 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST
After about one minute of rambling, a woman runs up on stage and directs someone to turn his microphone off.
White Supremacist Runs For Senate in Kentucky|Olivia Nuzzi|September 21, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The microphone cord was snapped but I was able to make repairs.
The Radio Boys on the Mexican Border|Gerald Breckenridge
Mrs. Appleby-Simpkin regained the microphone from the other woman's relaxing grip.
The Ordeal of Colonel Johns|George H. Smith
The impulses received by the microphone in this equipment were recorded on a running tape smoked by an acetylene flame.
America's Munitions 1917-1918|Benedict Crowell
I dropped the microphone and snatched up my robe, knotting its cord about me as I hurried out of my stateroom.
Astounding Stories, April, 1931|Various
He closed that switch and looked up as Admiral Hawarden handed him a microphone.
Man of Many Minds|E. Everett Evans
British Dictionary definitions for microphone
/ (ˈmaɪkrəˌfəʊn) /
a device used in sound-reproduction systems for converting sound into electrical energy, usually by means of a ribbon or diaphragm set into motion by the sound waves. The vibrations are converted into the equivalent audio-frequency electric currentsInformal name: mike See also carbon microphone Compare loudspeaker