[ mid -l-toun ] SHOW IPA
noun (sometimes lowercase ) a typical American town or small city with traditional values and mores.
Origin of Middletown 1 After a pseudonymously named town studied in a book with the same title (1929) by U.S. sociologists Robert S. Lynd (1892–1970) and Helen Merrell Lynd (1896–1982); the town actually studied was Muncie, Ind.
OTHER WORDS FROM Middletown Mid·dle·town·er, noun Words nearby Middletown middle temporal vein, middle term, middle thyroid vein, Middleton, middletone, Middletown , middleware, middle watch, middleweight, Middle Welsh, Middle West
Definition for Middletown (2 of 2) [ mid -l-toun ] SHOW IPA
noun a township in E New Jersey.
a city in SW Ohio, on the Miami River.
a city in central Connecticut, on the Connecticut River.
a city in SE New York.
a town in SE Rhode Island.
a town in E Pennsylvania.
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for Middletown A reporter with the Middletown Times Herald found her “distinctly feminine.”
The Myth of Jackie Mitchell, the Girl Who Struck Out Ruth and Gehrig | Adam Doster| May 18, 2013| DAILY BEAST
Like those in Middletown , most are also facing a Catch 22: the stagnant economy blew a hole in their budgets.
Can Libraries Survive in an Era of Budget Cutbacks? | Miranda Green| February 16, 2013| DAILY BEAST
A mother of four who lives in Middletown , Md., McKenzie joined Solavei when a friend posted about the company on Facebook.
Mobile Telephone Startup Solavei Avoids Ads, Relies on Customers for Sales Leads | Miranda Green| October 24, 2012| DAILY BEAST
About noon I was ordered to march upon the latter road to Middletown .
Military Reminiscences of the Civil War V1 | Jacob Dolson Cox
Elizabethtown, about fifty houses; Middletown , about an hundred houses.
Historic Highways of America (Vol. 12) | Archer Butler Hulbert
In the city newspaper he came in conflict with interests which, while at Middletown , he did not know even existed.
Cox--The Man | Roger W. Babson
Appointed chairman of committee to lay out the bounds of Middletown .
Log-book of Timothy Boardman | Samuel W Boardman
He was mayor of the city of Middletown , and held other offices of local trust.
Foot-prints of a letter carrier | James Rees