School children in the Midwest are being hit by a viral infection that is sending hundreds to the hospital.
Midwest's 'Mystery Virus' Is Scary but Not Deadly|Kent Sepkowitz|September 8, 2014|DAILY BEAST
In fact, the Midwest is the only region where Clinton lacks a definite lead.
Cleveland, LeBron James, and the 2016 Republican Convention|Lloyd Green|July 14, 2014|DAILY BEAST
On that same day mention was made of a storm in the Midwest.
The Practical Values of Space Exploration|Committee on Science and Astronautics
It is made in the Midwest and packed in small, heavily waxed portions to preserve all of its fine, full aroma and flavor.
The Complete Book of Cheese|Robert Carlton Brown
There is another one that appeared in the midwest exhibition here in Cedar Rapids a few years ago, called the Lynch.
Northern Nut Growers Report of the Proceedings at the Twenty-First Annual Meeting|Northern Nut Growers Association
He had fifty teams up the eastern seaboard, ten in the midwest and was rumored to have twice as many in Eastern Europe.
Makers|Cory Doctorow
She had a few faint freckles on her nose and full lips and it was ten to one that she was from the Midwest.
The Five Arrows|Allan Chase
British Dictionary definitions for Midwest
Middle West
/ (ˈmɪdˈwɛst) /
the N central part of the US; the region consisting of the states from Ohio westwards that border on the Great Lakes, often extended to include the upper Mississippi and Missouri valleys
What Phrases Do You Only Hear In The Midwest?There are a few words and phrases that these Midwesterners say that maybe the rest of the country doesn't. Here are just a few examples ...