The television shows were prolific: The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, and Enterprise.
‘Star Trek’ for Dummies: Get Ready for ‘Into Darkness’ With Our Primer|Sujay Kumar|May 14, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Not Now, Voyager: A Memoirby Lynne Sharon Schwartz The acclaimed author expertly reflects on travel.
The Daily Beast Recommends|The Daily Beast|July 7, 2009|DAILY BEAST
And where is the voyager upon life's sea that does not cast wheat and chaff, roses and thorns upon the waves as they cross over?
To and Through Nebraska|Frances I. Sims Fulton
The wheels are an immense assistance in beaching the canoe and getting her above high-water mark, when there is but one voyager.
Shifts and Expedients of Camp Life, Travel & Exploration|W. B. Lord
Several days of steady progress under full spread of sail carried the voyager on beyond the equator.
Frontier Boys in the South Seas|Wyn Roosevelt
Their demeanor was friendly; and from them the voyager learned that the great lake of the Hurons was close at hand.
Pioneers Of France In The New World|Francis Parkman, Jr.
I have called it the Harafura of Durville, because the only vocabulary known to me has been collected by that voyager.
The Natural History of the Varieties of Man|Robert Gordon Latham
British Dictionary definitions for Voyager
/ (ˈvɔɪədʒə) /
either of two US spacecraft that studied the outer solar system; Voyager 1 visited Jupiter (1979) and Saturn (1980), Voyager 2 visited Jupiter (1979) and Saturn (1981) and made the first flyby of Uranus (1986) and Neptune (1989)