Barely a month earlier, Alex was part of a different house, one that no longer exists because its manager allegedly withheld money from and mistreated its members.
How a TikTok house destroyed itself|Rebecca Jennings|October 1, 2020|Vox
I am telling you that some people will judge and mistreat you just because of the color of your skin.
How Outdoor Companies Can Back Up Their DEI Pledges|Kai Lightner|September 23, 2020|Outside Online
That one human being has the capacity to so mistreat another is not news.
Punish the Onlookers|Wendy Murphy|October 30, 2009|DAILY BEAST
It is one of our peculiarities that we like to mistreat anyone whose soul is differently organized from ours.
Walter Pieterse|Multatuli
It was, of course, not to the interest of the Russians to mistreat the people of Galicia.
The Story of the Great War, Volume II (of VIII)|Various
If you have cruel step-parents who mistreat you out of pure meanness, everybody sympathizes with you.
Georgina's Service Stars|Annie Fellows Johnston
Strangely enough, no effort was made to mistreat the boys or their companion.
The Moving Picture Boys on the Coast|Victor Appleton
Their fears were groundless for Paul would never let a dog go hungry or mistreat a human being.
The Marvelous Exploits of Paul Bunyan|W. B. Laughead