

单词 wagner


[ wag-ner for 1, 4, 5; vahg-ner or, German, vahg-nuhr for 2, 3 ]
/ ˈwæg nər for 1, 4, 5; ˈvɑg nər or, German, ˈvɑg nər for 2, 3 /


Ho·nus [hoh-nuhs], /ˈhoʊ nəs/, John Peter, 1874–1955, U.S. baseball player.
Ot·to [ot-oh; German awt-oh], /ˈɒt oʊ; German ˈɔt oʊ/, 1841–1918, Austrian architect.
Rich·ard [rich-erd; German rikh-ahrt], /ˈrɪtʃ ərd; German ˈrɪx ɑrt/, 1813–83, German composer.
Robert F(erdinand), 1877–1953, U.S. politician.
his son, Robert F(erdinand), Jr., 1910–91, U.S. politician: mayor of New York City 1954–65.

Words nearby Wagner

waggle, waggle dance, waggler, waggly, waggon, Wagner, Wagner Act, Wagnerian, Wagner-Jauregg, Wagner, Richard, Wagner von Jauregg
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020

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British Dictionary definitions for Wagner

/ (ˈvɑːɡnə) /


Otto. 1841–1918, Austrian architect, whose emphasis on function and structure in such buildings as the Post Office Savings Bank, Vienna (1904–06), influenced the development of modern architecture
(Wilhelm) Richard (ˈrɪçart). 1813–83, German romantic composer noted chiefly for his invention of the music drama. His cycle of four such dramas The Ring of the Nibelung was produced at his own theatre in Bayreuth in 1876. His other operas include Tannhäuser (1845; revised 1861), Tristan and Isolde (1865), and Parsifal (1882)
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012




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