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[ mohn ] / moʊn / SEE SYNONYMS FOR moan ON THESAURUS.COM
nouna prolonged, low, inarticulate sound uttered from or as if from physical or mental suffering. any similar sound: the moan of the wind. complaint or lamentation. verb (used without object)to utter moans, as of pain or grief. (of the wind, sea, trees, etc.) to make any sound suggestive of such moans: The wind moaned through the trees. verb (used with object)to utter (something) inarticulately or pitifully, as if in lamentation: He moaned his response. to lament or bemoan: to moan one's fate. Origin of moan1175–1225; Middle English mone, man(e) (noun), Old English mān, unattested but inferred from its derivative mǣnan “to mourn” SYNONYMS FOR moan4 grieve. 4, 7 mourn. 7 deplore. SEE SYNONYMS FOR moan ON THESAURUS.COM synonym study for moan1. See groan. OTHER WORDS FROM moanmoanful, adjectivemoan·ful·ly, adverbmoan·ing·ly, adverbun·moaned, adjective un·moan·ing, adjective Words nearby moanMoab, Moabite, Moabite Stone, moa hunter, moai, moan, moat, mob, MOBA, mobcap, mobcast Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for moanAs much as customers love to moan about small, uncomfortable seats, the demand for them is higher than ever. Solution to Seat Rage: No More Reclining|Will Doig|September 4, 2014|DAILY BEAST And the best his Republican opponents can do is moan about Benghazi. Carter’s Belated Triumph|Peter Beinart|May 28, 2013|DAILY BEAST But, generally speaking, businesses scream and moan, react and innovate, and wind up in a better place. Don’t Cheap Out, Big Biz!|Daniel Gross|February 13, 2013|DAILY BEAST The low, dull, moan of the Sabbath siren lulls you into the 25-hour respite from modernity. Sheltered In Jerusalem|Gil Troy|November 17, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Copper mining is the most toxic form of metal mining in the United States, but you can only moan and groan about it so much. Copper, the Metal That Runs the World: ‘Boom, Bust, Boom,’ by Bill Carter|Peter Madden|October 26, 2012|DAILY BEAST She spoke of her weakness, and the parson drew out her moan. There and Back|George MacDonald We jumped again, the sickness of disorientation forcing a moan from the girl, and darkness shivered round us. The Door Through Space|Marion Zimmer Bradley From the massed figures there rose a moan, and Chet felt poignantly the animal misery of it. Brood of the Dark Moon|Charles Willard Diffin The horse steps on a rolling stone; a wind in the branches makes a moan. Men, Women and Ghosts|Amy Lowell Just then, her worst doubts were eased, for the moan came again and the leg in her arms stirred of its own accord. Joan of the Journal|Helen Diehl Olds
British Dictionary definitions for moan
nouna low prolonged mournful sound expressive of suffering or pleading any similar mournful sound, esp that made by the wind a grumble or complaint verbto utter (words) in a low mournful manner (intr) to make a sound like a moan (usually intr) to grumble or complain (esp in the phrase moan and groan) Derived forms of moanmoaner, nounmoanful, adjectivemoaning, noun, adjectivemoaningly, adverbWord Origin for moanC13: related to Old English mǣnan to grieve over Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to moangripe, sigh, sob, whine, wail, carp, grumble, mourn, grieve, cry, grouse, beef, lament, lamentation, plaint, bewail, bemoan, keen, deplore |