[ muh -nop -uh -lahyz ] SHOW IPA
/ məˈnɒp əˌlaɪz / PHONETIC RESPELLING
verb (used with object), mo·nop·o·lized, mo·nop·o·liz·ing. to acquire, have, or exercise a monopoly of.
to obtain exclusive possession of; keep entirely to oneself: Children monopolize one's time.
Also especially British , mo·nop·o·lise .
Origin of monopolize First recorded in 1605–15; monopol(y) + -ize
OTHER WORDS FROM monopolize mo·nop·o·li·za·tion, noun mo·nop·o·liz·er, noun an·ti·mo·nop·o·li·za·tion, adjective o·ver·mo·nop·o·lize, verb (used with object), o·ver·mo·nop·o·lized, o·ver·mo·nop·o·liz·ing.
pre·mo·nop·o·lize, verb (used with object), pre·mo·nop·o·lized, pre·mo·nop·o·liz·ing. un·mo·nop·o·lized, adjective un·mo·nop·o·liz·ing, adjective
Words nearby monopolize monopolar cautery, monopole, monopolism, monopolist, monopolistic competition, monopolize , monopoly, monopolylogue, monopropellant, monoprotic, monopsony
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for monopolize That’s the result of two generations of letting monopolists monopolize .
This Week’s Awesome Tech Stories From Around the Web (Through October 10) | Singularity Hub Staff| October 10, 2020| Singularity Hub
Today's discussion of Epic's claim centered heavily on what market, exactly, Apple is allegedly monopolizing.
Apple v. Epic hearing previews a long, hard-fought trial to come | Kyle Orland| September 28, 2020| Ars Technica
“This pyramid monster hotel will monopolize all the business in the city,” CEO Reto Wittwer said.
Nobody’s Home at the Hermit Kingdom’s Ghost Hotel | Nina Strochlic| May 22, 2014| DAILY BEAST
So the only way to survive is to monopolize more of the market and up-sell subscribers just as Comcast-Time Warner Cable will do.
Why Would Comcast Improve When It Could Buy Time Warner Cable Instead? | Daniel Gross| February 13, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Should you give up in despair that this is one more thing the rich have managed to monopolize ?
In Defense of the 5 O'Clock Reservation | Megan McArdle| October 12, 2012| DAILY BEAST
Yet no one has ever been able to monopolize any of the innovations that have periodically roiled the game.
In ‘The Knockoff Economy,’ The Upside to Ripping Off Others’ Ideas | Kal Raustiala, Christopher Sprigman| September 8, 2012| DAILY BEAST
Foremost among them is the Chinese communist oligarchy, with its determination to monopolize political power in China.
So What Would I Do About China? | David Frum| August 22, 2012| DAILY BEAST
Here you come back, a mere heathen, and proceed to monopolize all our ladies.
54-40 or Fight | Emerson Hough
They and the Nuwaris and the Chinese seem to monopolize the trade of the city.
The Unveiling of Lhasa | Edmund Candler
I say he has; for there is a law to forbid him thus to monopolize land.
Rural Rides | William Cobbett
John Wesley said we should not allow the devil to monopolize all the good tunes.
The Library and Society | Various
Why, they would like to monopolize all the victories mentioned in history.
John Bull, Junior | Max O'Rell
British Dictionary definitions for monopolize verb (tr) to have, control, or make use of fully, excluding others
to obtain, maintain, or exploit a monopoly of (a market, commodity, etc)
Derived forms of monopolize monopolization or monopolisation , noun monopolizer or monopoliser , noun Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to monopolize exclude, possess, utilize, absorb, take over, engross, use, acquire, consume, devour, hog, patent, manage, employ, own, restrain, have, syndicate, corner, hold