emotional or mental condition with respect to cheerfulness, confidence, zeal, etc., especially in the face of opposition, hardship, etc.: the morale of the troops.
Origin of morale
First recorded in 1745–55; from French, noun use of feminine of moral “custom”; see origin at moral
moral, morale
Words nearby morale
moraea, Moraga, moraine, moral, moral compass, morale, moral hazard, moralism, moralist, morality, morality play
The stock was finally recovering in those early days, but staff morale wasn’t.
From bailout debacle to global dominance: Inside the turnaround at UBS|Bernhard Warner|September 21, 2020|Fortune
“If people are going to be fired because of low morale, it starts at the top,” he said, in reference to Pompeo.
State Department offers murky analysis of job performance survey to justify inspector general’s firing|Karoun Demirjian, Carol Morello|September 17, 2020|Washington Post
Cooper with American Postal Workers Union said employee morale is low and despite years of financial struggles, he has never seen a situation more dire.
Info About Local Post Office Operations Is Conflicting and Hard to Come By|Ashly McGlone and Kate Nucci|August 27, 2020|Voice of San Diego
As workplaces become increasingly distributed, leaders will need to take into account how the arrangement of teams will impact productivity and, more importantly, what it will do to long-term employee morale and well-being.
Four tips on leading distributed (or semi-distributed) teams|Cal Henderson|July 30, 2020|Quartz
Such imagery must have played its psychological role in bolstering the morale of many spiritual Crusaders.
History of the Crusades: Origins, Politics, and Crusaders|Dattatreya Mandal|March 23, 2020|Realm of History
That announcement dealt a huge blow to our morale internally and to the case that we made to minority voters externally.
The Valerie Jarrett I Know: How She Saved the Obama Campaign and Why She’s Indispensable|Joshua DuBois|November 18, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Itani told me that news of the letter was awful for the morale of the opposition forces.
Is Obama Done Playing Footsie With Assad?|Michael Tomasky|November 17, 2014|DAILY BEAST
“All this boosts the morale of the Afghan Taliban,” says the colonel.
Kabul Airport Attack Comes as Pakistani Fighters Join Afghan Taliban|Sami Yousafzai|July 17, 2014|DAILY BEAST
With the Pentagon concerned about fatigue and morale, a lost piece of valuable property is the last thing these families need.
American G.I.s: Dude, Where’s My Car?|Tim Mak|July 16, 2014|DAILY BEAST
At a meeting, a chaplain said “Morale seems to be up… at least for those headed home.”
How I’ll End the War: My First Week Back in Afghanistan|Nick Willard|May 1, 2014|DAILY BEAST
A study of morale gave insight into many related factors, including that of morality.
A Jewish Chaplain in France|Lee J. Levinger
It produced a morale which could only be overcome by desperate and continuous hard fighting.
Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Complete|Ulysses S. Grant
As was usual in all Teutonic drives, endeavors were made by propaganda work to break down the morale of the Italian troops.
Kelly Miller's History of the World War for Human Rights|Kelly Miller
These forces are well trained, well equipped, and high in morale.
State of the Union Addresses of Calvin Coolidge|Calvin Coolidge
"Morale effect," said the major-general, through stiff lips.
Morale|Murray Leinster
British Dictionary definitions for morale
/ (mɒˈrɑːl) /
the degree of mental or moral confidence of a person or group; spirit of optimism