

单词 waterhouse

Example sentences from the Web for Waterhouse


/ (ˈwɔːtəˌhaʊs) /


Alfred. 1830–1905, British architect; a leader of the Gothic Revival. His buildings include Manchester Town Hall (1868) and the Natural History Museum, London (1881)
George Marsden. 1824–1906, New Zealand statesman, born in England: prime minister of New Zealand (1872–73)
Keith (Spencer). 1929–2009, British novelist, dramatist, and journalist: best known for the novel Billy Liar (1959) and his collaborations with the dramatist Willis Hall (1929–2005)

Words nearby Waterhouse

water heater, water hemlock, water hen, water hog, water hole, Waterhouse, Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome, water hyacinth, water ice, water-inch, wateriness
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