单词 | waterspout |
释义 | waterspout[ waw-ter-spout, wot-er- ] / ˈwɔ tərˌspaʊt, ˈwɒt ər- / SEE SYNONYMS FOR waterspout ON THESAURUS.COM nounAlso called rain·spout [reyn-spout] /ˈreɪnˌspaʊt/ . a pipe running down the side of a building to carry away water from the gutter of the roof: Don’t expect the waterspouts to function effectively if the gutters are clogged with leaves and other debris. a spout, duct, or the like, from which water is discharged: The extendable waterspout can be attached to a bucket, making a better watering can than any that we’ve tried. Meteorology.Also called fair-weath·er wa·ter·spout [fair-weth-er] /ˈfɛərˌwɛð ər/ . a funnel-shaped column laden with mist and spray that develops on the surface of a body of water and climbs upward to the cloud that has spawned it: usually formed during conditions of light winds, fair-weather waterspouts have little lateral movement and are not normally accompanied by thunderstorms. Meteorology.Also called tor·na·dic wa·ter·spout [tawr-nad-ik] /tɔrˈnæd ɪk/ . a tornado that forms in a downward direction over a body of water, typically during a severe thunderstorm and often accompanied by high winds, dangerous water turbulence, and large hail: although tornadic waterspouts tend to dissipate rapidly upon landfall, they may occasionally move inland. Origin of waterspoutFirst recorded in 1350–1400 and in 1730–40 for defs. 3, 4; Middle English; see water, spout Words nearby waterspoutwater spaniel, water spider, water splash, watersport, water sports, waterspout, water sprite, water sprout, water starwort, water stick insect, water strider Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for waterspoutBritish Dictionary definitions for waterspoutwaterspout / (ˈwɔːtəˌspaʊt) / nounmeteorol
a pipe or channel through which water is discharged, esp one used for drainage from the gutters of a roof Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 |
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