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[ waw-tuh-ree, wot-uh- ] / ˈwɔ tə ri, ˈwɒt ə- / SEE SYNONYMS FOR watery ON THESAURUS.COM
adjectivepertaining to or connected with water: watery Neptune. full of or abounding in water, as soil or a region; soggy; boggy. containing much or too much water: a watery paste; a watery batter. soft, soggy, tasteless, etc., due to excessive water or overcooking: watery vegetables; a watery stew. tearful. of the nature of water: watery vapor. resembling water in appearance or color: eyes of a watery blue. resembling water in fluidity and absence of viscosity: a watery fluid. of poor or weak quality; thin, washy, or vapid: watery prose. consisting of water: a watery grave. discharging, filled with, or secreting a waterlike morbid substance. Origin of waterybefore 1000; Middle English; Old English wæterig.See water, -y1 SYNONYMS FOR watery3 thin, weak, diluted, dilute. SEE SYNONYMS FOR watery ON THESAURUS.COM OTHER WORDS FROM waterywa·ter·i·ly, adverbwa·ter·i·ness, nounun·wa·ter·y, adjectiveWords nearby waterywater wings, water witch, water witching, waterworks, waterworn, watery, Watford, Watkins, Watkins Glen, Watling Island, WATS Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for wateryHe said he watched waste haulers back up to the pit and unleash torrents of watery muck. Two Texas Regulators Tried to Enforce the Rules. They Were Fired.|David Hasemyer, InsideClimate News|December 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST When multiple cases of watery diarrhea spread through one village, doctors feared it was cholera. Fighting Ebola With Nothing but Hope|Abby Haglage|August 27, 2014|DAILY BEAST It depicts an exhausted Texas oil field on scrub land, an old railroad bed and a watery ditch converging in the distance. Rackstraw Downes’s Art and Essays Are Two Sides of the Same Genius|Bill Morris|June 4, 2014|DAILY BEAST In Ring, Sadako, the protagonist had died in a well, and returns from the watery grave to haunt the living. Japanese Horror Director Tackles the 3/11 Tsunami|Jake Adelstein, Nathalie-Kyoko Stucky|February 23, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Tall, dark, and handsome with an olive complexion and watery blue eyes, Loeb comes from a well-heeled family. Sofia Vergara’s Fiancé, Nicholas Loeb, Just Can’t Catch A Break|Tricia Romano|January 8, 2013|DAILY BEAST The flickering, blurred flames of gas-lamps seemed to be dissolving in a watery atmosphere. The Secret Agent|Joseph Conrad The crisp, sweet, watery pink pulp enveloping each seed is the edible portion of the Pomegranate. Fruits of the Hawaiian Islands|Gerrit Parmile Wilder Yes, yes, I can read it in her saffron face and in her watery eyes when we meet at the church door on Sundays. Sir Nigel|Arthur Conan Doyle Then for a while the watery area was almost smooth, so completely had the great wave levelled it. Voyage of the Paper Canoe|Nathaniel H. Bishop The milk is watery and poor, but the natives like it very much. An Ohio Woman in the Philippines|Emily Bronson Conger
British Dictionary definitions for watery
adjectiverelating to, consisting of, containing, or resembling water discharging or secreting water or a water-like fluida watery wound tearful; weepy insipid, thin, or weak Derived forms of waterywateriness, nounCollins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to waterymoist, damp, colorless, runny, adulterated, anemic, bloodless, dilute, flavorless, fluid, humid, insipid, marshy, pale, sodden, soggy, tasteless, thin, watered-down, weak Medical definitions for watery
adj.Filled with, consisting of, or soaked with water; wet or soggy. Secreting or discharging water or watery fluid, especially as a symptom of disease. The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. |