释义 |
[ wel-huhng ] / ˈwɛlˈhʌŋ /
adjective Slang: Usually Vulgar.(of a man) having a large penis. Origin of well-hungFirst recorded in 1630–40; well1 + hung Words nearby well-hungwellhead, well-heeled, well-hidden, wellhole, wellhouse, well-hung, wellies, well-illustrated, well in, well-informed, Wellingborough Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for well-hungIn his portrait of a castrato, Andrea Sacchi let a well-hung Apollo make up for the singer's loss. The Best of 2013’s Daily Pic by Blake Gopnik|Blake Gopnik|December 26, 2013|DAILY BEAST The Daily Pic: In his portrait of a castrato, Andrea Sacchi let a well-hung Apollo make up for the singer's loss. NSFW, in 1641?|Blake Gopnik|September 16, 2013|DAILY BEAST A hole, though shaped like an ellipse, in which this well-hung stud had placed it would look as if a compass traced it. Read This and Blush: Naughty Medieval French Tales|Yunte Huang|June 13, 2013|DAILY BEAST You grab hold of the Ben Roethlisberger redemption issue for dear life like a hot brand to a well-hung bull. Super Bowl: The Best That Never Was!|Buzz Bissinger|February 4, 2011|DAILY BEAST
Nothing is easier than for a lady to open a well-hung and well-latched gate, the hinges of which are on the off side. The Barb and the Bridle|Vielle Moustache Put a well-hung pheasant in a buttered stewpan with three ounces of good beef dripping and six ounces of ham cut into dice. Dressed Game and Poultry la Mode|Harriet A. de Salis The shoe knew it all well, and told a whole lot in a few minutes, because she had such a well-hung tongue. De La Salle Fifth Reader|Brothers of the Christian Schools Teams of horses and oxen are born under the Twins, and well-hung wenchers and those who bedung both sides of the wall. The Satyricon, Complete|Petronius Arbiter Take a well-hung young pheasant, cut it when prepared into neat joints. Dressed Game and Poultry la Mode|Harriet A. de Salis
British Dictionary definitions for well-hung
adjective (well hung when postpositive)(of game) hung for a sufficient length of time slang (of a man) having large genitals Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 |