单词 | mumbletypeg |
释义 | mumbletypeg[ muhm-buhl-tee-peg ] / ˈmʌm bəl tiˌpɛg / nouna children's game played with a pocketknife, the object being to cause the blade to stick in the ground or a wooden surface by flipping the knife in a number of prescribed ways or from a number of prescribed positions. Also mum·ble·de·peg, mum·ble·dy·peg [muhm-buhl-dee-peg], /ˈmʌm bəl diˌpɛg/, mumble peg, mum·ble-the-peg [muhm-buhl-thuh-peg], /ˈmʌm bəl ðəˌpɛg/, mum·ble·ty-peg, mum·bly-peg [muhm-blee-peg]. /ˈmʌm bliˌpɛg/. Origin of mumbletypeg1620–30; from phrase mumble the peg (see mumble); so named because the losing player was formerly required to pull a peg from the ground with his or her teeth Words nearby mumbletypegmulture, mum, mum-and-dad investor, Mumbai, mumble, mumbletypeg, mumbo jumbo, mumchance, mu meson, Mumetal, Mumford Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for mumbletypeg
British Dictionary definitions for mumbletypegmumbletypeg / (ˈmʌmbəltɪˌpɛɡ) / nounUS a game in which players throw a knife in various prescribed ways, the aim being to make the blade stick in the ground Word Origin for mumbletypegC17: from mumble the peg, a loser in the game being required to pull the knife out of the ground using the teeth Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 |
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