[ muhs -tang ] SHOW IPA
noun a small, hardy horse of the American plains, descended from Spanish stock.
U.S. Navy Slang . a naval officer who received his commission while still an enlisted man.
verb (used without object) to round up wild horses, especially in order to sell them illegally to slaughterhouses.
Origin of mustang 1800–10, Americanism ;<Spanish mestengo stray or ownerless beast, noun use of masculine adj.: pertaining to a mixed lot of beasts, equivalent to mest (a ) such a mixed lot (<Latin (animālia ) mixta mixed (beasts), neuter plural adj., taken as feminine singular noun; see mixed) + -engo adj. suffix
Words nearby mustang mustache cup, mustachio, mustachioed, Mustafa Kemal, Mustagh, mustang , mustanger, mustard, mustard and cress, mustard family, mustard gas
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for mustang You can put mag wheels on a Gremlin,” commented one long time Michigan observer, “but that doesn't make it a Mustang .
The Rustbelt Roars Back From the Dead | Joel Kotkin, Richey Piiparinen| December 7, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Hundreds of trekkers were on the popular Annapurna Circuit in the Mustang area of Nepal when disaster struck last week.
Nepal’s Deadliest Avalanche Was Totally Avoidable | Dick Dorworth| October 20, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Mmmhops is a tasty pale ale created in partnership with Mustang Brewing.
Hanson Got Me Drunk on Their New Beer, Mmmhops (Really) | Kevin Fallon| September 18, 2013| DAILY BEAST
He had the distinction of becoming a “mustang ,” a Marine enlisted man elevated to officer.
The First American Casualties of our Iraq “Adventure” | Michael Daly| March 20, 2013| DAILY BEAST
“I drive a Mustang and a Chevy pickup truck,” the candidate said.
Mitt Romney’s Most Awkward Moments | The Daily Beast Video| January 10, 2012| DAILY BEAST
"I'll ride him without spurs," he declared, presently, and again he turned to mount the mustang .
The Mysterious Rider | Zane Grey
The bull took a long curious look at the mustang who continued to graze peacefully.
Ticktock and Jim | Keith Robertson
And was thatthat the reason why you tamed my mustang that day, so that he wouldnt be killed?
Justin Wingate, Ranchman | John H. Whitson
Once we found a mustang horse with its head practically cut completely off.
Ranching, Sport and Travel | Thomas Carson
Most persons appear unable to restrain this wanton inclination to take life, when a mustang approaches within rifle-shot.
Early Western Travels 1748-1846, Volume XX | Various
British Dictionary definitions for mustang noun a small breed of horse, often wild or half wild, found in the southwestern US
Word Origin for mustang C19: from Mexican Spanish mestengo, from mesta a group of stray animals
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to mustang colt, mare, stallion, filly, nag, crib, glass, trot, racehorse, cayuse, pinto, plug, pony, foal, steed, gelding, bronco