moistened, covered, or soaked with water or some other liquid: wet hands.
in a liquid form or state: wet paint.
characterized by the presence or use of water or other liquid.
moistened or dampened with rain; rainy: Wet streets make driving hazardous.
allowing or favoring the sale of alcoholic beverages: a wet town.
characterized by frequent rain, mist, etc.: the wet season.
laden with a comparatively high percent of moisture or vapor, especially water vapor: There was a wet breeze from the west.
marked by drinking: a wet night.
using water or done under or in water, as certain chemical, mining, and manufacturing processes.
something that is or makes wet, as water or other liquid; moisture: The wet from the earth had made the basement unlivable.
damp weather; rain: Stay out of the wet as much as possible.
a person in favor of allowing the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages.
Slang: Disparaging and Offensive. wetback.
verb (used with object),wet or wet·ted,wet·ting.
to make (something) wet, as by moistening or soaking (sometimes followed by through or down): Wet your hands before soaping them.
to urinate on or in: The dog had wet the carpet.
verb (used without object),wet or wet·ted,wet·ting.
to become wet (sometimes followed by through or down): Dampness may cause plastered walls to wet. My jacket has wet through.
(of animals and children) to urinate.
Idioms for wet
all wet, Informal. completely mistaken; in error: He insisted that our assumptions were all wet.
wet behind the ears, immature; naive; green: She was too wet behind the ears to bear such responsibilities.
wet one's whistle. whistle (def. 15).
wet out, to treat (fabric) with a wetting agent to increase its absorbency.
Origin of wet
First recorded before 900; Middle English wett, past participle of weten,Old English wǣtan “to wet”; replacing Middle English weet,Old English wǣt, cognate with Old Frisian wēt,Old Norse vātr; akin to water
1 dampened, drenched.
4 misty, drizzling.
7 humid.
10 wetness, humidity, dampness, dankness.
11 drizzle.
1 dry.
synonym study for wet
14. Wet,drench,saturate,soak imply moistening something. To wet is to moisten in any manner with water or other liquid: to wet or dampen a cloth.Drench suggests wetting completely as by a downpour: A heavy rain drenched the fields.Saturate implies wetting to the limit of absorption: to saturate a sponge. To soak is to keep in a liquid for a time: to soak beans before baking.
Ken Chapman flies a strange-looking helicopter for Erickson Incorporated called an S-64 Aircrane, and to get the wet stuff on board, all he has to do is submerge a snorkel about 18 inches deep in a body of water.
How aerial firefighters battle blazes from the skies|Rob Verger|August 27, 2020|Popular Science
The MJO travels eastward along the equator as winds push warm, wet air high into the atmosphere, where the air dries out, cools and descends back toward the surface.
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While fire is a normal and necessary part of much of California’s forest and rangelands, the region’s trend toward heightened wet and dry extremes, coupled with overall warmer conditions, make the state especially primed for high-intensity burns.
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I took a hose to the pack for a few minutes, and some of my outer layers got wet through the zippers.