Going into 2016, that contributed to a sense that Wisconsin was a safe bet for Hillary Clinton — part of the mythical “blue wall.”
Wisconsin Was Never A Safe Blue State|Nathaniel Rakich (nathaniel.rakich@fivethirtyeight.com)|October 16, 2020|FiveThirtyEight
Shown photos of a horse and a rhino, and told a unicorn is something in between, they can recognize the mythical creature in a picture book the first time they see it.
A radical new technique lets AI learn with practically no data|Karen Hao|October 16, 2020|MIT Technology Review
A house wasn’t just a place to live but the expression of a mythical world.
An Ancient Site with Human Skulls on Display - Issue 89: The Dark Side|Jo Marchant|September 2, 2020|Nautilus
At Çatalhöyük a house wasn’t just a place to live but the material expression of a mythical world.
An Ancient Site with Human Skulls on Display - Issue 89: The Dark Side|Jo Marchant|September 2, 2020|Nautilus
Like the mythical half-human, half-horse creatures, centaurs in the solar system are hybrids between asteroids and comets.
In a first, astronomers spotted a space rock turning into a comet|Lisa Grossman|August 18, 2020|Science News
As a child, he worshipped leaders like Malcolm X and remembers having imagining Africa as a mythical place.
Death Metal Angola: Heavy Metal in War-Torn Africa|Nina Strochlic|November 21, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Bulbous columns, winding staircases, and whimsical bas-reliefs of mythical creatures wrap around the palace.
The Postman Who Built a Palace in France…by Hand|Nina Strochlic|November 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The notion of a “spread”—the mythical Texas ranch that every Texas cowboy hopes for—fueled his imagination.
‘The Harness Maker’s Dream:’ The Unlikely Ranch King of Texas|Nick Kotz|September 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The philosopher, Plato, linked Santorini with the mythical lost city of Atlantis that sank beneath the waves.
Book a Room for Two in a Santorini Cave|Joanna Eede|June 10, 2014|DAILY BEAST
I can see why the original name of this mythical island was Kallisti—“the most beautiful one.”
Book a Room for Two in a Santorini Cave|Joanna Eede|June 10, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Do you know I began to fear you were mythical—that I'd dreamed you.
Rose of Dutcher's Coolly|Hamlin Garland
It is said to have been founded by the mythical hero Yudisthira, and is connected by tradition with the monkey-god Hanuman.