单词 | negro |
释义 | Negro1[ nee-groh ] / ˈni groʊ / SEE SYNONYMS FOR Negro ON THESAURUS.COM noun, plural Ne·groes.Anthropology. (no longer in technical use) a member of the peoples traditionally classified as the Negro race, especially those who originate in sub-Saharan Africa. Older Use: Often Offensive. a Black person. adjectiveAnthropology. (no longer in technical use) of, relating to, or characteristic of one of the traditional racial divisions of humankind, generally marked by brown to black skin pigmentation, dark eyes, and tightly curled hair and including especially the Indigenous peoples of Africa south of the Sahara. Older Use. of or relating to Black people, often African Americans: a Negro spiritual; the Negro leagues in baseball. Origin of Negro1First recorded in 1545–55; from Spanish and Portuguese negro “black,” from Latin nigrum, masculine accusative of niger “black” usage note for NegroSee Black1. historical usage of NegroWhen Negro first appears in print in English in the mid-16th century, the word was nearly always capitalized. The spelling “negro” (uncapitalized) first appears toward the end of the 18th century, and the uncapitalized form remained standard until the 20th century. Three very important recommendations for the capitalized form come from: 1) W.E.B. Du Bois, “I shall throughout this study use the term ‘Negro’, to designate all persons of Negro descent, although the appellation is to some extent illogical. I shall, moreover, capitalize the word, because I believe that eight million Americans are entitled to a capital letter.” ( The Philadelphia Negro. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, 1899, Chapter I). 2) Harper's Weekly (2 June 1906), “Professor Booker T. Washington, being politely interrogated...as to whether negroes ought to be called ‘negroes’ or ‘members of the colored race’ has replied that it has long been his own practice to write and speak of members of his race as negroes, and when using the term ‘negro’ as a race designation, to employ the capital ‘N’.” 3) The New York Times (7 March 1930), “‘Negro’ is now added to the list of words to be capitalized. It is not merely a typographical change; it is an act in recognition of racial self-respect.” Words nearby NegroNegrillo, Negri Sembilan, Negritic, Negrito, Negritude, Negro, Negroid, Negroism, Negroize, negroni, Negrophil Definition for Negro (2 of 2)Negro2 [ ney-groh; Spanish ne-graw; Portuguese ne-groo ] / ˈneɪ groʊ; Spanish ˈnɛ grɔ; Portuguese ˈnɛ grʊ / nouna river in NW South America, flowing SE from E Colombia through N Brazil into the Amazon. 1,400 miles (2,255 km) long. a river in S Argentina, flowing E from the Andes to the Atlantic. 700 miles (1,125 km) long. a river in SE South America, flowing S from Brazil and W through Uruguay, to the Uruguay River. About 500 miles (800 km) long. Also called Negro River . Portuguese Ri·o Ne·gro [ree-oo -ne-groo] /ˈri ʊ ˈnɛ grʊ/ . Spanish Rí·o Ne·gro [ree-oh -ney-groh; Spanish ree-aw -ne-graw] /ˈri oʊ ˈneɪ groʊ; Spanish ˈri ɔ ˈnɛ grɔ/ . Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for NegroBritish Dictionary definitions for Negro (1 of 2)Negro1 / (ˈniːɡrəʊ) old-fashioned, offensive / noun plural -groesa member of any of the dark-skinned indigenous peoples of Africa and their descendants elsewhere adjectiverelating to or characteristic of Negroes Derived forms of NegroNegroism, nounWord Origin for NegroC16: from Spanish or Portuguese: black, from Latin niger black British Dictionary definitions for Negro (2 of 2)Negro2 / (ˈneɪɡrəʊ, ˈnɛɡ-) / noun Río Negroa river in NW South America, rising in E Colombia (as the Guainía) and flowing east, then south as part of the border between Colombia and Venezuela, entering Brazil and continuing southeast to join the Amazon at Manáus. Length: about 2250 km (1400 miles) a river in S central Argentina, formed by the confluence of the Neuquén and Limay Rivers and flowing east and southeast to the Atlantic. Length: about 1014 km (630 miles) a river in central Uruguay, rising in S Brazil and flowing southwest into the Uruguay River. Length: about 467 km (290 miles) Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 |
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