It remains to be seen, especially if it’s windy and wet out, but the heated tables could provide a cozy way for patrons to dine outside in a fairly comfortable, safe, and standard way.
What might COVID winter dining look like? IDEO and Chicago have some out-there ideas|Brett Haensel|October 9, 2020|Fortune
It was never colder than about seventy degrees, although that feels cold when you’re wet and it’s windy, but cold wasn’t the issue.
Los Angeles Is Gone - Issue 90: Something Green|Kim Stanley Robinson|October 7, 2020|Nautilus
You can only live 3 hours without shelter in a cold, wet, and windy setting.
The 10-step guide to survival in an emergency|By Tim MacWelch/Outdoor Life|September 29, 2020|Popular Science
In particularly hot, dry, and windy conditions, you could die from dehydration in less than three days if no water is available.
The 10-step guide to survival in an emergency|By Tim MacWelch/Outdoor Life|September 29, 2020|Popular Science
When Steadman and some other CSL workers agreed to talk, I got in my car and made the windy four-hour drive to the strip mall in McKeesport, Pennsylvania, where they worked.
Foreign Masks, Fear and a Fake Certification: Staff at CSL Plasma Say Conditions at Donation Centers Aren’t Safe|by J. David McSwane|September 21, 2020|ProPublica
The independent and go-getter spirit started young, with the band plastering posters throughout the Windy City.
OK Go Is Helping Redefine the Music Video For the Internet Age|Lauren Schwartzberg|December 15, 2014|DAILY BEAST
His brother Sidronio immediately took over, and the Windy City reported no shortage of smack.
Mexico’s First Lady of Murder Is on the Lam|Michael Daly|October 29, 2014|DAILY BEAST
He paid his own way, joining older brother Jacob who had escaped to the Windy City earlier that year.
‘The Harness Maker’s Dream:’ The Unlikely Ranch King of Texas|Nick Kotz|September 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
To save the Windy City, we have to use everything at our disposal.
Send the National Guard to Chicago|Roland S. Martin|July 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The windows were sealed shut around the edges by duct tape but still rattled when it got windy.
Almost Famous: A Father's Day Story|Alex Belth|June 15, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The sky was windy; and between the rifts of the high-banked clouds the moon shone fitfully.
Robert Tournay|William Sage
If the weather is cold and windy, cover it with straw or leaves and boards, which is necessary to produce the desired effect.
The American Flower Garden Directory|Thomas Hibbert
The ordinary boiled cabbage is an indigestible "windy" vegetable, and should never be eaten.
Food Remedies|Florence Daniel
On my return from Windy Creek I was fortunate enough to fall in with a farmer who lived near the hotel.
Our Next-Door Neighbors|Belle Kanaris Maniates
The next morning we reached Windy Creek, the station nearest our destination, and continued our journey by stage.
Our Next-Door Neighbors|Belle Kanaris Maniates
British Dictionary definitions for windy
/ (ˈwɪndɪ) /
of, characterized by, resembling, or relating to wind; stormy
swept by or open to powerful winds
marked by or given to empty, prolonged, and often boastful speech; bombasticwindy orations
What’s The Difference Between “Blustery,” “Windy,” And “Breezy”?Blow your friends away with these facts on "windy," "breezy," and "blustery." Knowing the difference means always knowing when to grab a cardigan or a coat.