The pressure of earnings reports and meetings, Zoom or otherwise, leave no room for the sort of expansive wondering that lies at the heart of all genuine breakthroughs.
The business advice Socrates would give if he wrote a management book today|jakemeth|August 25, 2020|Fortune
Whether it is openly stated or not, I think everyone is wondering if they could find “the one.”
The Craziest Date Night for Single Jews, Where Mistletoe Is Ditched for Shots|Emily Shire|December 26, 2014|DAILY BEAST
In the back of my mind I was wondering how much time we had before there might be an ominous knock at the door.
The Life and Hard Times Of The Family A Cuban Defector Left Behind|Brin-Jonathan Butler|December 19, 2014|DAILY BEAST
He said Jay was anxious and wondering why it was taking so long for the police to arrive.
Adnan Killed Her! No, Jay Did It! Serial’s Uncertain, True-to-Reality End|Emily Shire|December 18, 2014|DAILY BEAST
You may be wondering what work of monumental consequence is contained within these gilded pages.
Rand Paul’s Many Leather-Bound Books|Olivia Nuzzi|November 27, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The everyday stress, wondering if the other shoe was going to drop and I was going to be outed, is what led to me outing myself.
Exclusive: Michael Phelps’s Intersex Self-Proclaimed Girlfriend, Taylor Lianne Chandler, Tells All|Aurora Snow|November 26, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Convinced that the visitor was Soma, I pulled out my revolver and waited, wondering as I watched what he intended to do.
The White Waterfall|James Francis Dwyer
"Don't you ever get tired of staying in the water," Sparrow would say, wondering.
Verotchka's Tales|Mamin Siberiak
Harrison wove his way through them wondering where the hundreds of such evangelists had come from so suddenly.
The Sword|Frank Quattrocchi
And you, when you remember to-day, dont let it be a memory only of sadness; but of my gratitude—my wondering gratitude.
Paths of Judgement|Anne Douglas Sedgwick
She asked him, her eager eyes uplifted to his face, her small hands clasped, wondering and hope bursting into instant full dawn.