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[ wood-n ] / ˈwʊd n / SEE SYNONYMS FOR wooden ON THESAURUS.COM
adjectiveconsisting or made of wood; wood: a wooden ship. stiff, ungainly, or awkward: a wooden gait. without spirit, animation, or awareness. dull or stupid. indicating the fifth event of a series, as a wedding anniversary. Origin of woodenFirst recorded in 1530–40; wood1 + -en2 SYNONYMS FOR wooden3 expressionless, vacant, lifeless, impassive. SEE SYNONYMS FOR wooden ON THESAURUS.COM OTHER WORDS FROM woodenwood·en·ly, adverbwood·en·ness, nounWords nearby woodenwoodcut, woodcutter, Wood Dale, wood duck, wooded, wooden, wood engraving, woodenhead, wooden-headed, Wooden Horse, wooden Indian Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for woodenEach beehive has a series of flat wooden frames inside a wooden box. Quacks and toots help young honeybee queens avoid deadly duels|Sharon Oosthoek|September 14, 2020|Science News For Students This pan comes with a wooden batter spreader and a long “bakelite” handle to keep your hands away from the heat. Crepe pans you’ll use for breakfast, lunch, and dinner|PopSci Commerce Team|September 3, 2020|Popular Science If you have wooden floors, they won’t get stinky, but they might get scuffed or damaged. Working out at home? Here’s how to keep your house from smelling like a gym.|Harry Guinness|September 3, 2020|Popular Science The Barasana people in the dense forests of Colombia, for example, traditionally live in wooden longhouses called malokas. An Ancient Site with Human Skulls on Display - Issue 89: The Dark Side|Jo Marchant|September 2, 2020|Nautilus
The stones may have been attached to wooden handles at one time, Hublin and colleagues say. This cave hosted the oldest known human remains in Europe|Bruce Bower|June 12, 2020|Science News For Students Even when he opens up, the sentences are wooden, the scenes sucked dry of emotion. The Story of the World’s Greatest Cricket Player|William O’Connor|December 24, 2014|DAILY BEAST Given that crucial importance, The Macallan is famously hands-on when it comes to its wooden barrels. How Much Do Whisky Casks Really Affect Taste?||December 10, 2014|DAILY BEAST From cognac to bourbon, rye to añejo tequila, many of our beloved spirits spend years aging in wooden casks. How Much Do Whisky Casks Really Affect Taste?||December 10, 2014|DAILY BEAST But in Russia, the wooden ruble seems to be widely accepted. Recession? Devaluation? Inflation? Putin Tells Russia Stay the Course.|Anna Nemtsova|December 4, 2014|DAILY BEAST Fourteen years on, the wooden stairs and ceiling are still charred, and the walls are studded with clusters of bullet holes. ‘Argo’ in the Congo: The Ghosts of the Stanleyville Hostage Crisis|Nina Strochlic|November 23, 2014|DAILY BEAST That is the great significance of this first track through the “wooden country”—an awakened consciousness. Historic Highways of America (Vol. 4)|Archer Butler Hulbert In this place the chief judge sat; his assessors had their seats on wooden benches along the walls. Secret Societies of the Middle Ages|Thomas Keightley With a wooden spoon, work these four ingredients, then let them rest for five minutes. The Belgian Cookbook|Various They consisted of wooden splints coated with sulphur and tipped with antimony, chlorate of potash, and gum. Great Inventions and Discoveries|Willis Duff Piercy It was a wooden house of four or five rooms, with an ample veranda, surrounded by an acre of ground fenced in. White Shadows in the South Seas|Frederick O'Brien
British Dictionary definitions for wooden
adjectivemade from or consisting of wood awkward or clumsy bereft of spirit or animationa wooden expression obstinately unyieldinga wooden attitude mentally slow or dull not highly resonanta wooden thud verb(tr) Australian slang to fell or kill (a person or animal) Derived forms of woodenwoodenly, adverbwoodenness, nounCollins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to woodenboard, frame, log, peg, plant, slab, timber, woody, clapboard, ligneous, timbered, awkward, clumsy, gauche, gawky, graceless, heavy, heavy-handed, inelegant, inept |