[ noh -shuh -nl ] SHOW IPA
adjective pertaining to or expressing a notion or idea.
of the nature of a notion or idea: a notional response to the question.
abstract, theoretical, or speculative, as reflective thought.
not real or actual; ideal or imaginary: to create a notional world for oneself.
given to or full of foolish or fanciful ideas or moods.
Grammar . relating to the meaning expressed by a linguistic form. having full lexical meaning, in contrast to relational. Semantics . belonging to a class of words that express clear concepts rather than relations between concepts; presentive. Compare relational (def. 3), symbolic (def. 4).
SEE MORE SEE LESS Origin of notional First recorded in 1590–1600; notion + -al1
OTHER WORDS FROM notional no·tion·al·i·ty, noun no·tion·al·ly, adverb non·no·tion·al, adjective un·no·tion·al, adjective
un·no·tion·al·ly, adverb
Words nearby notional no time at all, no time for, have, no time like the present, there's, not in the least, notion, notional , notionate, notions, notitia, not know beans, not know enough to come in out of the rain
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for notional Panetta was no fan of Blair, whom he called his “notional boss” inside the intelligence community.
Obama’s Ex-CIA Chief Slams White House for ‘Hesitation and Half Steps’ | Josh Rogin| October 3, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Once, in a moment of grace, I allowed myself to imagine a notional platform for such a party.
Yair Lapid's Historic Opportunity | Bernard Avishai| January 24, 2013| DAILY BEAST
The nation bleeds but we seem to have a president for whom emotion is notional .
The Tiger Binge | Tina Brown| December 16, 2009| DAILY BEAST
Illiquidity was not a problem when notional prices went up in the boom years.
The Man Who Gutted the Ivy League | Edward Jay Epstein| March 28, 2009| DAILY BEAST
When credit became less available in the financial meltdown, these alternative investments rapidly shed their notional value.
The Man Who Gutted the Ivy League | Edward Jay Epstein| March 28, 2009| DAILY BEAST
General maxims, unless they be formed upon both, will be but notional , v.10.
Essay on Man | Alexander Pope
The governments of these smoking nations are not likely to be notional on that matter.
Choice Readings for the Home Circle | Anonymous
But ships are notional , and these expectations are sometimes dashed.
The Best Short Stories of 1919 | Various
The physical philosopher studies not merely the Matter, but the Form or notional Essence even more (a. 17).
Sometimes, dynamite will work all right for such a purpose, but it is notional stuff and can not be depended upon merely to burn.
Dynamite Stories | Hudson Maxim
British Dictionary definitions for notional adjective relating to, expressing, or consisting of notions or ideas
not evident in reality; hypothetical or imaginary a notional tax credit
characteristic of a notion or concept, esp in being speculative or imaginary; abstract
grammar (of a word) having lexical meaning another word for semantic
Derived forms of notional notionally , adverb Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to notional abstract, apocryphal, assumed, chimeric, chimerical, conceptual, deceptive, delusive, dreamy, fabulous, fanciful, fantastic, fantastical, fictional, hallucinatory, hypothetical, ideal, illusive, illusory, imaginative