a person who is new to the circumstances, work, etc., in which he or she is placed; beginner; tyro: a novice in politics.
a person who has been received into a religious order or congregation for a period of probation before taking vows.
a person newly become a church member.
a recent convert to Christianity.
Origin of novice
1300–50; Middle English novyce<Middle French novice<Medieval Latin novītius convent novice, variant of Latin novīcius newly come into a particular status, derivative of novusnew. See -itious
1 newcomer.
1, 2 neophyte.
Words nearby novice
novena, novercal, Novgorod, Novi, novia, novice, novillero, novio, Novi Sad, novitiate, novobiocin
Learning Python opens up a huge new world where open-source code and open-source trained models now give even programming novices the opportunity to leverage these technologies for a huge variety of digital marketing goals.
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However, when a novice creates a strategy, works for three to six months, and sees no returns, they often are at a loss.
Content marketing fails: How to analyze and improve|Michael Doer|August 27, 2020|Search Engine Watch
If it’s a game of, let’s say, a grandmaster in chess playing against a novice, they’ll probably win all the games.
The Economics of Sports Gambling (Ep. 388 Rebroadcast)|Stephen J. Dubner|August 20, 2020|Freakonomics
Canoo was founded just two years ago, but it’s hardly a team of novices.
Electric-vehicle startup Canoo to go public, joining the wave of companies chasing Tesla’s success|dzanemorris|August 18, 2020|Fortune
An early version of the software uses pictures and videos to teach novices how to perform an eye exam, for example, or insert a breathing tube.
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Being a novice Syrian War watcher, I assumed the regime had returned in force.
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For novice and fitness-enthusiasts alike, the Amiigo's intelligent pattern recognition alleviates a major headache at the gym.
Amiigo Tracker Pairs Data With Deadlifts|Gregory Ferenstein|August 4, 2014|DAILY BEAST
What was the material of the novice habit, what kind of incense did they inhale, what was on the plate at dinner.
Historical Fiction: A Conversation Between Bruce Holsinger and Nancy Bilyeau|Nancy Bilyeau, Bruce Holsinger|March 30, 2014|DAILY BEAST
For a novice sailor to keep the ship safe for so long in those conditions was remarkable.
How John Lennon Rediscovered His Music in Bermuda|The Telegraph|November 3, 2013|DAILY BEAST
We found many teachers who were already on top of their game, or teachers who were far too novice.
Davis Guggenheim Wants to Know, ‘What is a Teacher?’|Caitlin Dickson|September 5, 2013|DAILY BEAST
We have just heard that Fritz has finished his first month of probation, and has been invested with the frock of the novice.
Chronicles of the Schonberg-Cotta Family|Elizabeth Rundle Charles
The novice is therefore cautioned not to use this ammunition until the difficulty of rusting is overcome.
Pistol and Revolver Shooting|A. L. A. Himmelwright
Some other of our Augustinian brothers will take charge of completing the education of the novice, somehow or other.
The Pocket Bible or Christian the Printer|Eugne Sue
The second series of folderies to which the novice was initiated concerned themselves with his bedding.
Observations of an Orderly|Ward Muir
He opened on the novice with something quite wide of the mark he was really aiming at.
The Cloister and the Hearth|Charles Reade
British Dictionary definitions for novice
/ (ˈnɒvɪs) /
a person who is new to or inexperienced in a certain task, situation, etc; beginner; tyro
(as modifier)novice driver
a probationer in a religious order
a sportsman, esp an oarsman, who has not won a recognized prize, performed to an established level, etc
a racehorse, esp a steeplechaser or hurdler, that has not won a specified number of races
Word Origin for novice
C14: via Old French from Latin novīcius, from novus new
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