At that point, I knew I had found the yang to my unfolding story.
What Are We Protecting with Gun Laws?|Jessica Solce|November 13, 2014|DAILY BEAST
You just have to find that yin of decency and locate the gestures and words that smother the yang of fear.
Why the Border Bigots Are Beating Obama|Michael Tomasky|July 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST
An email sent to Yang, whose public record lists her as “president” of the church, was not returned.
Is This The Scariest Doomsday Sect in China?|Brendon Hong|June 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The statement in Mr. Yang's jejune essay that the Chinese give pure silver in exchange for foreign dollars containing 10 per cent.
Intimate China|Mrs. Archibald Little
The fairy said: “Yang Gui Fe has become a blessed spirit and dwells in the great south palace!”
The Chinese Fairy Book|Various
The emperor longed so greatly for Yang Gui Fe that he ceased to eat, and could no longer sleep.
The Chinese Fairy Book|Various
He tried to help Yang with breakfast, but was told by that dignitary to "giv' us a rest," and so humbly retired.
Fishing With The Fly|Charles F. Orvis and Others
With them even numbers were connected with earthly things, partaking of the feminine principle of Yang.
Appletons' Popular Science Monthly, April 1899|Various
British Dictionary definitions for yang (1 of 2)
/ (jæŋ) /
See Yin and Yang
British Dictionary definitions for yang (2 of 2)
/ (jæŋ) /
Chen Ning (ˈtʃɛn ˈnɪŋ). born 1922, US physicist, born in China: with Tsung-Dao Lee, he disproved the physical principle known as the conservation of parity and shared the Nobel prize for physics (1957)