something that happens; event; incident: We were delayed by several unexpected occurrences.
Origin of occurrence
1530–40; <Latin occurrent-, stem of occurrēns (present participle of occurrere “to run up to, run to meet”), from oc- (variant of ob- ; see ob-) + currere “to run” + -ence; compare Medieval Latin occurrentia
I have lived somewhere close to the edge of an area ravaged by wildfire for nearly all of my adult life, and yet the violence and speed of such occurrences still shock me every summer.
Our Climate-Change Future Is Here|Heather Hansman|September 11, 2020|Outside Online
Events like this have become a regular occurrence over the last five years.
‘It’s more transformational’: For the third time in five years, advertisers will launch a mediapalooza of account reviews|Seb Joseph|September 2, 2020|Digiday
These choices are an everyday occurrence, but they also carry a moral weight that makes them feel different than picking a pasta sauce or a pair of shoes.
Every Decision Is A Risk. Every Risk Is A Decision.|Maggie Koerth (|July 21, 2020|FiveThirtyEight
On its eastern front, exchanges of fire with Pakistan are a daily occurrence.
The Nuclear Deal That Iran’s Regime Fears Most|Djavad Khadem|November 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But when I moved to San Francisco, and later to Los Angeles, it became an occurrence.
The Daily Beast's Best Longreads, Aug 24, 2014|The Daily Beast|August 24, 2014|DAILY BEAST
I tried a half-dozen other representatives, none who could remedy the blunder, all who cited different reasons for the occurrence.
Where Cellphone Numbers Go to Die|Jon Methven|August 16, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Tweets requesting that he come scream in the face of the respective tweeter are a daily occurrence.
How 'Billy on the Street' Star Billy Eichner Turned Screaming at Strangers Into Comedy Gold|Kevin Fallon|March 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST
So the occurrence of the infection in a person exposed to pond water is, although heart-breaking, somewhat logical.
This Amoeba Eats Your Brain: Naegleria Fowleri Rattles New Orleans|Kent Sepkowitz|September 23, 2013|DAILY BEAST
When we face the situation of reporting an occurrence, we can tell the truth or we can lie.
The Science of Human Nature|William Henry Pyle
They were completely surprised and totally unready for such an occurrence.
A Kut Prisoner|H. C. W. Bishop
The occurrence was justly deemed without a parallel in history.
Daniel Webster for Young Americans|Daniel Webster
We can cite a host of zymotic diseases the occurrence of which once serves as a protection against future attacks.
A System of Practical Medicine by American Authors, Vol. I|Various
But such an occurrence is not unique, for we find in books several tales of very fierce dragons.
Penguin Island|Anatole France
British Dictionary definitions for occurrence
/ (əˈkʌrəns) /
something that occurs; a happening; event
the act or an instance of occurringa crime of frequent occurrence