The expert advisory group for Unicef’s AI for Children project, for example, has no representatives from regions with the highest concentration of children and young adults, including the Middle East, Africa, and Asia.
AI ethics groups are repeating one of society’s classic mistakes|Amy Nordrum|September 14, 2020|MIT Technology Review
For instance, it’s more than twice the death rate for heart attacks in young adults, the researchers wrote.
A sobering breakdown of severe COVID-19 cases shows young adults can’t dismiss it|Erin Garcia de Jesus|September 9, 2020|Science News
I have also met parents who lost young adult children to the disease, and were still trying to understand how this could have happened.
Chadwick Boseman’s Death From Colorectal Cancer Underscores An Alarming Increase In Cases Among Younger Adults As Well As Health Gaps For African Americans|LGBTQ-Editor|September 2, 2020|No Straight News
This battery of survey questions, as far as we know, represents the first time anyone has asked young adults how they feel about childcare in any depth.
Millennials and Gen Zers need better childcare. Can either Biden or Trump deliver?|matthewheimer|August 29, 2020|Fortune
The increase in young adults moving back with their family was first reported by real estate company Zillow.
The share of Americans in their 20s moving home is skyrocketing|Dan Kopf|July 20, 2020|Quartz
What do you look for in a great first line/first page/first chapter of a young-adult novel?
How We Write (Husband and Wife Edition): Lemony Snicket and Lisa Brown|Noah Charney|January 2, 2013|DAILY BEAST
No one asked the deeper question: why is abstinence the only theologically credible approach to young-adult sexuality?
Evangelicals Struggle to Address Premarital Sex and Abortion|David Sessions|July 13, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Tweak: Growing Up on Methamphetamines By Nic Sheff Tweak is a modern memoir of adolescent and young-adult drug addiction.
11 Books of Drug-Fueled Escapades|Brian H. Bookman|June 29, 2012|DAILY BEAST
You have written memoirs, humorous essays, fiction, and now young-adult fiction.
Jennifer Finney Boylan’s ‘How I Write’ Interview|Noah Charney|June 20, 2012|DAILY BEAST
In young-adult literature, women have kicked him aside, with Twilight and The Hunger Games setting the tone.
The End of the White Outsider|Ned Vizzini|July 25, 2011|DAILY BEAST