

单词 anaglyph


[ an-uh-glif ]
/ ˈæn ə glɪf /


an ornament sculptured or embossed in low relief, as a cameo.
Optics. a composite picture printed in two colors that produces a three-dimensional image when viewed through spectacles having lenses of corresponding colors.

Origin of anaglyph

First recorded in 1645–55, anaglyph is from the Greek word anáglyphos wrought in low relief. See ana-, glyph


an·a·glyph·ic, an·a·glyph·i·cal, an·a·glyp·tic [an-uh-glip-tik], /ˌæn əˈglɪp tɪk/, an·a·glyp·ti·cal, adjectivea·nag·ly·phy [uh-nag-luh-fee, an-uh-glif-ee], /əˈnæg lə fi, ˈæn əˌglɪf i/, noun

Words nearby anaglyph

anaesthetist, anaesthetize, Anafranil, anagen, anagenesis, anaglyph, anaglyphoscope, Anaglypta, anagnorisis, anagoge, anagogic
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020

Example sentences from the Web for anaglyph

  • If he had been a priest of Serapis for fifty years he could not have known the anaglyph better.

    The Caxtons, Complete|Edward Bulwer-Lytton
  • If he had been a priest of Serapis for fifty years, he could not have known the Anaglyph better!

    Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Vol. 64 No. 396 October 1848|Various
  • The anaglyph was peculiar to the Egyptian priests—the hieroglyph generally known to the well educated.

    Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Vol. 64 No. 396 October 1848|Various
  • The anaglyph was peculiar to the Egyptian priests; the hieroglyph generally known to the well educated.

    The Caxtons, Complete|Edward Bulwer-Lytton

British Dictionary definitions for anaglyph

/ (ˈænəˌɡlɪf) /


photog a stereoscopic picture consisting of two images of the same object, taken from slightly different angles, in two complementary colours, usually red and cyan (green-blue). When viewed through spectacles having one red and one cyan lens, the images merge to produce a stereoscopic sensation
anything cut to stand in low relief, such as a cameo

Derived forms of anaglyph

anaglyphic, anaglyphical, anaglyptic (ˌænəˈɡlɪptɪk) or anaglyptical, adjectiveanaglyphy (əˈnæɡləfɪ, ˈænəˌɡlɪfɪ), noun

Word Origin for anaglyph

C17: from Greek anagluphē carved in low relief, from ana- + gluphē carving, from gluphein to carve
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012




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