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[ om-nip-uh-tuhns ] / ɒmˈnɪp ə təns / SEE SYNONYMS FOR omnipotence ON THESAURUS.COM
nounthe quality or state of being omnipotent. (initial capital letter) God. Origin of omnipotence1560–70; <Late Latin omnipotentia, equivalent to Latin omnipotent-omnipotent + -ia;see -ence Words nearby omnipotenceomnifarious, omnific, omnificent, omnifocal lens, omnigraph, omnipotence, omnipotent, omnipresent, omnirange, omniscience, omniscient Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for omnipotenceYou can go to the Kaaba and shun Allah, but you cannot be a Congressman and question the omnipotence of the Nehru-Gandhi family. Hold Onto Your Penis|David Frum, Justin Green|November 29, 2012|DAILY BEAST She felt herself seized and carried away by the omnipotence of truth. His temperament fitted his remorseless task, and his omnipotence made him inaccessible to reasonable argument. Under Western Eyes|Joseph Conrad In the omnipotence of spiritual life and power the soul must share or die. True to His Home|Hezekiah Butterworth
To God we apply the attributes of omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence. The Genius|Margaret Horton Potter The omnipotence of God is irreconcilable with the idea of free will. The Positive School of Criminology|Enrico Ferri
Words related to omnipotencecontrol, mastery, authority, power, dominion |