How boundless the day seems as we revel in these storm-beaten sky gardens amid so vast a congregation of onlooking mountains!
My First Summer in the Sierra|John Muir
An onlooking nervous system has no advantage over an "onlooking" mind.
Creative Intelligence|John Dewey, Addison W. Moore, Harold Chapman Brown, George H. Mead, Boyd H. Bode, Henry Waldgrave, Stuart James, Hayden Tufts, Horace M. Kallen
The onlooking land-holders were at first amazed and delighted.
A Woman's Impression of the Philippines|Mary H. (Mary Helen) Fee
The onlooking tourist too often forgets this vital difference.
Heroic Spain|Elizabeth Boyle O'Reilly
As the smoke began to ascend, the onlooking multitude without sent up a loud cheer.
The Great Riots of New York 1712 to 1873|J.T. Headley