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[ o-sten-suh-buhl ] / ɒˈstɛn sə bəl / SEE SYNONYMS FOR ostensible ON THESAURUS.COM
adjectiveoutwardly appearing as such; professed; pretended: an ostensible cheerfulness concealing sadness. apparent, evident, or conspicuous: the ostensible truth of their theories. Origin of ostensibleFirst recorded in 1730–40; from French, from Latin ostēns(us) , variant of ostentus (cf. ostensive) + French -ible-ible OTHER WORDS FROM ostensibleos·ten·si·bly, adverbnon·os·ten·si·ble, adjectivenon·os·ten·si·bly, adverbun·os·ten·si·ble, adjective un·os·ten·si·bly, adverb WORDS THAT MAY BE CONFUSED WITH ostensibleostensible , ostensiveWords nearby ostensibleosteitis fibrosa cystica, osteitis fungosa, ostempyesis, Ostend, Ostend Manifesto, ostensible, ostensibly, ostensive, ostensive definition, ostensorium, ostensory Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for ostensibleAnd why would its ostensible spokesperson refuse to answer yes/no questions about them? How Canadian Oilmen Pinkwash the Keystone Pipeline|Jay Michaelson|December 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST A trove of Bush-era emails that had been quote-unquote-lost resurfaced in 2009, the victim of an ostensible act of mislabeling. Paging Rose Mary Woods: Obama’s Unbelievable Missing IRS Emails|James Poulos|June 18, 2014|DAILY BEAST The ostensible middle-ground approach, to “provide weapons an training” to the Ukrainians got about 25 perent of the vote. Europe, Stunned by Reckless Russia, Mistrusts Feckless Ukrainian Leaders|James Kirchick|March 24, 2014|DAILY BEAST Oblivious self-entitlement is now so widespread and suitable for mockery that the ostensible cure has begun to follow in its wake. Our Bad Romance Obsession Is the Ultimate First World Problem|James Poulos|January 2, 2014|DAILY BEAST
It would seem that for all of its ostensible lack of vim and vigor, Israel Media Watch is a very effective organization. The Dubious Successes of Israel's Media Watch|Elisheva Goldberg|September 11, 2013|DAILY BEAST A political difference as an ostensible cause of quarrel soon developed. South American Fights and Fighters|Cyrus Townsend Brady The ostensible contents of the box are my daughters first cap and a lock of my fathers hair. The Doctor's Red Lamp|Various But he is summoned to declare upon oath, before the Civil Lieutenant of Paris, whether his ostensible ownership is not simulated. Later Queens of the French Stage|H. Noel Williams Then follows the apparent and ostensible letter to be shown to the Chancellor. Lord Chatham|Archibald Phillip Primrose Rosebery Now if this were true it would not serve Dr. Farrar's ostensible purpose. The Book Of God|G. W. Foote
British Dictionary definitions for ostensible
adjectiveapparent; seeming pretended Derived forms of ostensibleostensibility, nounWord Origin for ostensibleC18: via French from Medieval Latin ostensibilis, from Latin ostendere to show, from ob- before + tendere to extend Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to ostensibleplausible, avowed, professed, purported, apparent, demonstrative, exhibited, illusive, illusory, likely, manifest, notable, outward, pretended, quasi, seeming, so-called, specious, superficial, colorable |