It has recently become a major gathering place for QAnon conspiracy theorists, who believe an elite cabal of satanic child molesters are running the country.
Facebook: Shut It Down|Nick Fouriezos|September 13, 2020|Ozy
A cabal can do it, selling their influence to the highest bidder.
The arms dealer sells it to a mysterious neo-Nazi cabal, which then detonates it in Baltimore.
Want To Know What America Thinks of Itself? Watch Jack Ryan on Wall Street|Andrew Romano|January 18, 2014|DAILY BEAST
LIBOR is the very definition of a rate set by a cabal, ripe for collusion.
Don’t Just Blame Banks for Barclays Interest-Rates Mess|Zachary Karabell|July 12, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Silicon Valley has its own weaknesses: the cabal of successful investors is small and insular.
Don't De-Friend Facebook Yet: Its IPO Might Not Mean Trouble Ahead|Zachary Karabell|May 19, 2012|DAILY BEAST
They even worry that a neo-con "cabal" has co-opted internal party debates, just as liberals have long maintained.
The New GOP Warmongers|Matt Latimer|March 22, 2011|DAILY BEAST
In the meanwhile, a cabal was going on against the old Ministry.
The Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution, Volume X (of 12)|Various
But the King and the Jesuitical cabal had determined that the disgrace of the Hydes should be complete.
The History of England from the Accession of James II.|Thomas Babington Macaulay
The cabal made a great noise to cover this monstrous audacity, and endeavoured to renew the attack against the Duc de Bourgogne.
The Memoirs of Louis XIV., His Court and The Regency, Complete|Duc de Saint-Simon
Meanwhile the cabal against the ruined Ripperda raged with redoubled fury in the Spanish cabinet.
The Pastor's Fire-side Vol. 3 of 4|Jane Porter
His conduct was, in fact, much remarked, and the cabal opposed to him entirely reduced to silence.
The Memoirs of Louis XIV., His Court and The Regency, Complete|Duc de Saint-Simon
British Dictionary definitions for cabal (1 of 2)
/ (kəˈbæl) /
a small group of intriguers, esp one formed for political purposes
a secret plot, esp a political one; conspiracy; intrigue
a secret or exclusive set of people; clique
verb-bals, -ballingor-balled(intr)
to form a cabal; conspire; plot
Word Origin for cabal
C17: from French cabale, from Medieval Latin cabala; see cabbala
British Dictionary definitions for cabal (2 of 2)
/ (kəˈbæl) /
the CabalEnglish historya group of ministers of Charles II that governed from 1667–73: consisting of Clifford, Ashley, Buckingham, Arlington, and Lauderdale
Word Origin for Cabal
see kabbalah; by a coincidence, the initials of Charles II's ministers can be arranged to form this word