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[ oh-ver-blohn ] / ˈoʊ vərˈbloʊn / SEE SYNONYMS FOR overblown ON THESAURUS.COM
adjectiveoverdone or excessive: overblown praise. of unusually large size or proportions: a majestic, overblown figure. overinflated; turgid; bombastic; pretentious: overblown prose. verbpast participle of overblow. Origin of overblown1First recorded in 1590–1600; over- + blown1 Words nearby overblownoverbearing, overbid, overbite, overblouse, overblow, overblown, overboard, overbook, overboot, overbore, overborne Definition for overblown (2 of 2)[ oh-ver-blohn ] / ˈoʊ vərˈbloʊn /
adjective(of a flower) past the stage of full bloom; more than full-blown: an overblown rose. Origin of overblown2First recorded in 1610–20; over- + blown2 Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for overblownI suspect he chose the Dred Scott comparison precisely because of its overblown, grandiose nature. The Right Wing Screams for the Wambulance Over Gay Marriage Ruling|Walter Olson|October 13, 2014|DAILY BEAST Funny enough, my mom and dad soon began watching the show with me, realizing that their initial concerns were overblown. Growing Up with Bart Simpson|Alex Suskind|August 31, 2014|DAILY BEAST It was there, Walker pointed out, that the two of them had the overblown “confrontation” that had now taken over his life. The Weirdest Story About a Conservative Obsession, a Convicted Bomber, and Taylor Swift You Have Ever Read|David Weigel|August 30, 2014|DAILY BEAST But Dr. Rebecca Brightman, an ob-gyn in private practice, cautioned that such fears are overblown. The Next Big Environmental Fight: Tampons?|Keli Goff|May 2, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But as these athletes make such revelations, critics (and some supporters) say the hubbub is overblown. The Jason Collins Effect: Yes, They Can|Nicholas McCarvel|April 29, 2014|DAILY BEAST She was very much like an overblown Adelphi heroine, and they could see her act for nothing. The Convert|Elizabeth Robins By following this rule the overblown rose often makes herself beautiful. Woman as Decoration|Emily Burbank The storm which threatened the former was overblown, and he was in season to avert that by which the latter was threatened. The Life of Francis Marion|William Gilmore Simms Cornelia blushed; but some of the loose petals of the overblown rose in her bosom became detached, and floated earthward. Bressant|Julian Hawthorne Miss von Schwarzenberg's air of dreamy sentimentality dropped from her as the petals of an overblown rose at some rude touch. The Messenger|Elizabeth Robins
British Dictionary definitions for overblown
adjectiveoverdone or excessive bombastic; turgidoverblown prose (of flowers, such as the rose) past the stage of full bloom Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to overblowninflated, superfluous, disproportionate, pretentious, aureate, bombastic, flowery, fulsome, grandiloquent, immoderate, magniloquent, oratorical, overdone, pompous, profuse, rhetorical, sonorous, turgid, undue, verbose |