释义 |
[ noun oh-ver-pas, -pahs; verb oh-ver-pas, -pahs ] / noun ˈoʊ vərˌpæs, -ˌpɑs; verb ˌoʊ vərˈpæs, -ˈpɑs / SEE SYNONYMS FOR overpass ON THESAURUS.COM
nouna road, pedestrian walkway, railroad, bridge, etc., crossing over some barrier, as another road or walkway. verb (used with object), o·ver·passed or o·ver·past, o·ver·pass·ing.to pass over or traverse (a region, space, etc.): We had overpassed the frontier during the night. to pass beyond (specified limits, bounds, etc.); exceed; overstep; transgress: to overpass the bounds of good judgment. to get over (obstacles, difficulties, etc.); surmount: to overpass the early days of privation and uncertainty. to go beyond, exceed, or surpass: Greed had somehow overpassed humanitarianism. to pass through (time, experiences, etc.): to overpass one's apprenticeship. to overlook; ignore; disregard; omit: We could hardly overpass such grievous faults. The board overpassed him when promotions were awarded. verb (used without object), o·ver·passed or o·ver·past, o·ver·pass·ing.to pass over; pass by: Under the bridge there was the din of cars overpassing. Origin of overpassMiddle English word dating back to 1250–1300; see origin at over-, pass Words nearby overpassoveroptimism, overoptimistic, overorganize, overpage, overparted, overpass, overpay, overpeople, overpersuade, overpitch, overplay Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for overpassThey pulled the elegant wagon on a slow pace along for a block and then made a U-turn beneath the Palmetto overpass. Mardi Gras Indian Chief Larry Bannock’s Final Ride|Jason Berry|May 16, 2014|DAILY BEAST The car comes under the overpass, we boom up, the car pulls in, the train pulls, then run across to the train. The Look of ‘The Grand Budapest Hotel’|Andrew Romano|March 7, 2014|DAILY BEAST The street beneath an overpass is littered with minivans and SUVs that had been washed inland. Shocking Videos and Photos From the 2011 Japan Earthquake and Tsunami|The Daily Beast|March 11, 2011|DAILY BEAST At the time of the sound you were within 15 or 20 feet of the overpass approximately? Warren Commission (4 of 26): Hearings Vol. IV (of 15)|The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy
Speculative philosophy strikes at last upon a limit which it can not overpass. History of the Intellectual Development of Europe, Volume I (of 2)|John William Draper Now, will you take this pen and draw on there your position on the overpass? Warren Commission (6 of 26): Hearings Vol. VI (of 15)|The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy And it shows where Elm turns and goes under the railroad, the overpass. Warren Commission (6 of 26): Hearings Vol. VI (of 15)|The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy And they asked me during the parade if I would come back up there and identify people that was supposed to be on that overpass. Warren Commission (6 of 26): Hearings Vol. VI (of 15)|The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy
British Dictionary definitions for overpass
noun (ˈəʊvəˌpɑːs)another name for flyover (def. 1) verb (ˌəʊvəˈpɑːs) -passes, -passing or -passed (tr) rareto pass over, through, or across to exceed to get over to ignore Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to overpassviaduct, footbridge, walkway, span, skyway |