[ peyj ] SHOW IPA
noun one side of a leaf of something printed or written, as a book, manuscript, or letter.
the entire leaf of such a printed or written thing: He tore out one of the pages.
a single sheet of paper for writing.
a noteworthy or distinctive event or period: a reign that formed a gloomy page in English history.
Printing . the type set and arranged for a page.
Computers . a relatively small block of main or secondary storage, up to about 1024 words. a block of program instructions or data stored in main or secondary storage. (in word processing) a portion of a document. web page. SEE MORE SEE LESS verb (used with object), paged, pag·ing. to paginate.
to turn pages (usually followed by through ): to page through a book looking for a specific passage.
Idioms for pageon the same page , Informal . (of two or more people) having a similar understanding or way of thinking: Parents should be on the same page about raising their children.
Origin of page 1 1580–90; <Middle French <Latin pāgina column of writing, akin to pangere to fix, make fast
Words nearby page pagan, pagandom, Paganini, paganism, paganize, page , pageant, pageantry, pageboy, page description language, page-jack
Definition for page (2 of 3) [ peyj ] SHOW IPA
noun a boy servant or attendant.
a youth in attendance on a person of rank or, in medieval times, a youth being trained for knighthood.
an attendant or employee, usually in uniform, who carries messages, ushers guests, runs errands, etc.
a person employed by a legislature to carry messages and run errands for the members, as in the U.S. Congress.
SEE MORE SEE LESS verb (used with object), paged, pag·ing. to summon formally by calling out the name of repeatedly: He had his father paged in the hotel lobby.
to summon or alert by electronic pager.
to control (an electrical appliance, machine, etc.) remotely by means of an electronic signal.
SEE MORE SEE LESS Origin of page 2 1250–1300; Middle English (noun) <Old French < ?
Definition for page (3 of 3) [ peyj ] SHOW IPA
noun Thomas Nelson, 1853–1922, U.S. novelist and diplomat.
Walter Hines, 1855–1918, U.S. journalist, editor, and diplomat.
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for page I noticed a picture of her daughter, who was my classmate, and out of curiosity visited her page .
50 Shades of Iran: The Mullahs’ Kinky Fantasies about Sex in the West | IranWire, Shima Sharabi| January 1, 2015| DAILY BEAST
Some of them are taking a page from Sheryl Sandberg and reaching back to help others.
The Women Battling an Islamist Strongman | Christina Asquith| December 22, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The opening of the battle narrative begins on—get this—page 266!
Hitler’s Hail Mary | James A. Warren| December 20, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Grisham offered condolences to members on his Facebook page .
Open-Carry Militia Mom ‘Murders’ Family | Brandy Zadrozny| December 16, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The accompanying 184 page catalogue includes 154 photos, of which 150 have not previously been published.
The Best Coffee Table Books of 2014 | Robert Birnbaum| December 13, 2014| DAILY BEAST
But don't suppose, Madam, Page 184that anything I say has reference to you.
Jack Sheppard | William Harrison Ainsworth
Seeing that they looked at the book, I turned the page quickly to hide the note.
Eastern Nights - and Flights | Alan Bott
Page 159: "beleagured" changed to "beleaguered" (had been beleaguered in Metz).
The Franco-German War of 1870-71 | Count Helmuth, von Moltke
Eustace was apparently engrossed in his book, but not a word did he see on the page he stared at so intently.
Queensland Cousins | Eleanor Luisa Haverfield
Find how many words to the page you write on the paper you would use for a written argument.
The Making of Arguments | J. H. Gardiner
British Dictionary definitions for page (1 of 3) noun plural pp one side of one of the leaves of a book, newspaper, letter, etc or the written or printed matter it bears Abbreviation: p
such a leaf considered as a unit insert a new page
a screenful of information from a website, teletext service, etc, displayed on a television monitor or visual display unit
an episode, phase, or period a glorious page in the revolution
printing the type as set up for printing a page
SEE MORE SEE LESS verb another word for paginate
(intr foll by through ) to look through (a book, report, etc); leaf through
Word Origin for page C15: via Old French from Latin pāgina
British Dictionary definitions for page (2 of 3) noun a boy employed to run errands, carry messages, etc, for the guests in a hotel, club, etc
a youth in attendance at official functions or ceremonies, esp weddings
medieval history a boy in training for knighthood in personal attendance on a knight a youth in the personal service of a person of rank, esp in a royal household page of the chamber (in the US) an attendant at Congress or other legislative body
Canadian a person employed in the debating chamber of the House of Commons, the Senate, or a legislative assembly to carry messages for members
SEE MORE SEE LESS verb (tr) to call out the name of (a person), esp by a loudspeaker system, so as to give him a message
to call (a person) by an electronic device, such as a pager
to act as a page to or attend as a page
SEE MORE SEE LESS Word Origin for page C13: via Old French from Italian paggio, probably from Greek paidion boy, from pais child
British Dictionary definitions for page (3 of 3) noun Sir Earle (Christmas Grafton ). 1880–1961, Australian statesman; co-leader, with S. M. Bruce, of the federal government of Australia (1923–29)
Sir Frederick Handley. 1885–1962, English pioneer in the design and manufacture of aircraft
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to page beep, leaf, surface, signature, side, folio, verso, recto, servant, youth, attendant, bellhop, equerry, announce, seek, call, summon, count, check, number