释义 |
nouna cloth, often of velvet, for spreading over a coffin, bier, or tomb. a coffin. anything that covers, shrouds, or overspreads, especially with darkness or gloom. Ecclesiastical. - pallium (def. 2b).
- a linen cloth or a square cloth-covered piece of cardboard used to cover a chalice.
Heraldry. pairle. Archaic. a cloth spread upon an altar; corporal. Archaic. a garment, especially a robe, cloak, or the like. verb (used with object)to cover with or as with a pall. Origin of pall1before 900; Middle English; Old English pæll pope's pallium <Latin pallium cloak SYNONYMS FOR pall3 shadow, melancholy, oppression. SEE SYNONYMS FOR pall ON THESAURUS.COM OTHER WORDS FROM pallpall-like, adjectiveWORDS THAT MAY BE CONFUSED WITH pallpale, pall , pallorWords nearby pallpalisander, palish, Palissy, palki, Palk Strait, pall, palla, Palladian, Palladian window, palladic, palladinize Definition for pall (2 of 2)[ pawl ] / pɔl /
verb (used without object)to have a wearying or tiresome effect (usually followed by on or upon). to become distasteful or unpleasant. to become satiated or cloyed with something. verb (used with object)to satiate or cloy. to make dull, distasteful, or unpleasant. Origin of pall21350–1400; Middle English pallen; aphetic variant of appall SYNONYMS FOR pallSEE SYNONYMS FOR pall ON THESAURUS.COM Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for pallIt cast this pall over the movie, which was one of my favorites of last year. Coffee Talk with Ethan Hawke: On ‘Boyhood,’ Jennifer Lawrence, and Bill Clinton’s Urinal Exchange|Marlow Stern|December 27, 2014|DAILY BEAST Dad was lying on his bed in his underwear and T-shirt smoking a Pall Mall. Almost Famous: A Father's Day Story|Alex Belth|June 15, 2014|DAILY BEAST He took a cigarette from a pack of Pall Malls on the bedside table. Stanley Booth on the Life and Hard Times of Blues Genius Furry Lewis|Stanley Booth|June 7, 2014|DAILY BEAST There was literally a pall over the city when the Rangers won the first two games. The Foodie Capital of Canada|Michele Willens|May 31, 2014|DAILY BEAST
And the government shutdown, now in its second week, is already casting a pall over the holiday shopping season. The Shutdown that Stole Christmas?|Daniel Gross|October 11, 2013|DAILY BEAST Chatham had addressed him living, in verse, and peers sought for the honour of supporting the pall at his funeral. Their Majesties' Servants (Volume 2 of 3)|John Doran There were few signs in its busy streets that a pall hung over the borders of the South. Anne|Constance Fenimore Woolson The blankness and awfulness of the pall that had settled upon the country after his desertion had not yet been dissipated. Peggy Owen at Yorktown|Lucy Foster Madison Even a glorious noon cannot pall upon us unless it be too hot. In the Track of the Troops|R.M. Ballantyne Woodland groves and leafy dells are to me suggestive of suicide, and make me sigh for the 'sweet shady side of Pall Mall.' Airy Fairy Lilian|Margaret Wolfe Hamilton (AKA Duchess)
British Dictionary definitions for pall (1 of 2)
nouna cloth covering, usually black, spread over a coffin or tomb a coffin, esp during the funeral ceremony a dark heavy covering; shroudthe clouds formed a pall over the sky a depressing or oppressive atmosphereher bereavement cast a pall on the party heraldry an ordinary consisting of a Y-shaped bearing Christianity - a small square linen cloth with which the chalice is covered at the Eucharist
- an archaic word for pallium (def. 2)
an obsolete word for cloak verb(tr) to cover or depress with a pall Word Origin for pallOld English pæll, from Latin: pallium British Dictionary definitions for pall (2 of 2)
verb(intr often foll by on) to become or appear boring, insipid, or tiresome (to)history classes palled on me to cloy or satiate, or become cloyed or satiated Word Origin for pallC14: variant of appal Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to pallshroud, veil, cloak, dismay, melancholy, covering, damp, mantle, cloth, damper, shadow, satiate, glut, surfeit, jade, weary, sicken, sate, disgust, gorge |