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Example sentences from the Web for paravertebralThe diffuse middorsal area is expanded and encloses the paravertebral rows of spots. A New Subspecies of Lizard, Cnemidophorus sacki, from Michoacan, Mexico|William E. Duellman All of the specimens have the paired paravertebral spots and blotches with light centers. A Taxonomic Study of the Middle American Snake, Pituophis deppei|William E. Duellman There are no paravertebral dark stripes nor pale spots on the dorsal scales. Amphibians and Reptiles of the Rainforests of Southern El Peten, Guatemala|William E. Duellman In some specimens the dorsum between the paravertebral stripes is still paler brown. A Revision of Snakes of the Genus Conophis (Family Colubridae, from Middle America)|John Wellman
[ păr′ə-vûr′tə-brəl, -vər-tē′brəl ]
adj.Located along a vertebra or the vertebral column. Words nearby paravertebralparavaginitis, paravail, paravane, paravent, paraventricular nucleus, paravertebral, paravertebral ganglion, paravidya, par avion, parawing, paraxial The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. |