She had Vanessa, now 20, then Becky, 17, and finally, Taina, 9, who has Down syndrome.
Obesity and Diabetes Afflict a New Jersey Family Fighting to Stay Fit|Tony Doukopil|May 7, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Becky roared with laughter when Frank asked her if it was hers; she was setting down a huge dish with her honest red hands.
Old Kensington|Miss Thackeray
I says, says I, 'Becky, what's to hender you from takin' supper here to-night?'
Gabriel Tolliver|Joel Chandler Harris
Without an attempt at answering, he picked up Becky, who adored him with the rest, and passed on to Mr. and Mrs. Orban.
Queensland Cousins|Eleanor Luisa Haverfield
The result, Randy said, was that nobody ever thought of Becky Bannister as rich.
The Trumpeter Swan|Temple Bailey
He felt that he would dare anything, do anything, if he could bring back to Becky the dreams of which Dalton robbed her.
The Trumpeter Swan|Temple Bailey
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