[ bed -ing ] SHOW IPA
noun blankets, sheets, etc., used on a bed; bedclothes.
bedclothes together with a matress.
litter; straw, etc., as a bed for animals.
Building Trades . a foundation or bottom layer. a thin layer of putty laid in the rabbet of a window frame or muntin to give a pane of glass an even backing. Geology . arrangement of sedimentary rocks in strata.
adjective Horticulture . of or relating to a plant especially suited to or prepared for planting in an open-air bed for ornamental displays: bedding hyacinths; bedding begonias.
Origin of bedding before 1000; Middle English, Old English; see bed, -ing1
Words nearby bedding bedclothing, bedcover, beddable, bedded, bedder, bedding , bedding plane, bedding plant, Beddoes, beddy-bye, Bede
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for bedding As I dragged my bedding into the unit, the deputy handed me a plastic bag.
I Detoxed from Heroin in Jail | Tracey Mitchell| June 28, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The Shanars spent Sunday night out on the deck, with nothing but some pillows and bedding , tossing and turning.
We Survived the Triumph: Passengers Describe Their Doomed Carnival Cruise | Winston Ross, Eliza Shapiro, Sam Register| February 16, 2013| DAILY BEAST
Am I suggesting we give Big Dogs carte blanche to run wild, bedding every pretty young thing who catches their eye?
Let Alpha Males Like David Petraeus Cheat! | Michelle Cottle| November 14, 2012| DAILY BEAST
Rebecca Dana on his upcoming menswear collection, reality-TV projects—and a line of bedding .
Building Brand Lochte | Rebecca Dana| September 11, 2012| DAILY BEAST
Warren Jeffs, the cult leader with some 100 wives, goes on trial today, charged with bedding girls as young as 12.
Polygamy Power Play | Carol McKinley| July 25, 2011| DAILY BEAST
When peat moss was first introduced it was strongly recommended for the bedding of pigs.
The second series of folderies to which the novice was initiated concerned themselves with his bedding .
Observations of an Orderly | Ward Muir
But she had quite a good supply of bedding which was of great service to her on the journey.
Lydia Knight's History | Susa Gates
The gardener was bedding out the geraniums along the straight ribbon border.
Vera Nevill | Mrs. H. Lovett Cameron
From these observations it followed that the planes of cleavage ought not to be coincident with those of bedding .
Charles Lyell and Modern Geology | Thomas George Bonney
British Dictionary definitions for bedding noun bedclothes, sometimes considered together with a mattress
litter, such as straw, for animals
something acting as a foundation, such as mortar under a brick
the arrangement of a mass of rocks into distinct layers; stratification
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to bedding sheet, quilt, bedspread, blanket, bed linen, linen, comforter, pillow, pillowcase, coverlet, spread, cover, bedclothes, eiderdown, electric blanket