For the past 15 years I’ve been working in the Halloween mask industry and bronze foundry business as a mask maker, photographer, painter and patina artist.
Making Halloween Masks That Don’t Suck|Eugene Robinson|October 16, 2020|Ozy
Organicness, too, can offer a patina of healthfulness to unsavory substances.
Your Health Food’s Hidden Sugar Bomb|Michael Schulson|July 8, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Sandoval has also managed to burnish his image with a patina of integrity in the scandal-scarred Silver State.
Nevada Guv Faces Fans and Foes in Reelection|Lloyd Green|March 18, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The latter provided numbers, passion, righteousness, self-righteousness, and a patina of faux populist clout.
The South Has Indeed Risen Again and It’s Called the Tea Party|Jack Schwartz|December 8, 2013|DAILY BEAST
They grounded the curious and unexpected fabrics with their texture and patina.
Balenciaga’s Nicolas Ghesquiere Shows Whispers of Brilliance in Spring 2013 Collection|Robin Givhan|September 27, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Are we so in thrall to "truthiness" that we need our exorcist movies to be dressed up with the patina of realness, as well?
What's Real in The Rite|Seth Colter Walls|January 31, 2011|DAILY BEAST
In fact among friends I am now getting to be known as the Patina Kid.
The Abandoned Farmers|Irvin S. Cobb
Patina (L)—an adhesive crust or discoloration produced by weathering of an object.
Handbook of Alabama Archaeology: Part I Point Types|James W. Cambron
Patina is a most fascinating subject, once you get thoroughly into it.
The Abandoned Farmers|Irvin S. Cobb
Copper objects with a sound so-called “noble” patina apparently do not occur.
The Preservation of Antiquities|Friedrich Rathgen
The girls at the windows had nothing for it but to come downstairs, and Patina came with them, for Don Roque brooked no delay.
The Fourth Estate, vol.1|Armando Palacio Valds
British Dictionary definitions for patina (1 of 2)
/ (ˈpætɪnə) /
a film of oxide formed on the surface of a metal, esp the green oxidation of bronze or copperSee also verdigris (def. 1)
any fine layer on a surfacea patina of frost
the sheen on a surface that is caused by much handling
Word Origin for patina
C18: from Italian: coating, from Latin: patina ²
British Dictionary definitions for patina (2 of 2)