The glow itself, for example, may simply be an ancillary effect of the pigments, and not involved in UV shielding.
Glowing blue helps shield this tardigrade from harmful ultraviolet light|Jonathan Lambert|October 13, 2020|Science News
This may mean significant changes to business models, developing ancillary business lines, and building dramatically broader bases of small donor support.
Why I’m giving up my board seat to make room for someone from an underrepresented community|jakemeth|September 21, 2020|Fortune
There are, of course, ancillary benefits to big-time sports, from brand building to alumni engagement.
Is School Out Forever?|Daniel Malloy|August 9, 2020|Ozy
But even as the music market goes global, the ancillary cost is a troubling conglomeratization of thought, style, and taste.
Van Dyke Parks on How Songwriters Are Getting Screwed in the Digital Age|Van Dyke Parks|June 4, 2014|DAILY BEAST
There are ancillary benefits to donating extra campaign cash, too, Miniutti said.
Ex-Politicians Keeping $100 Million in Private Slush Funds|Dave Levinthal, Center for Public Integrity|May 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But what if winning is an ancillary goal to the financial health of the organization?
The Knicks Aren't a Sports Team. They're a Reality Show, and Phil Jackson is Their Latest Star.|Robert Silverman|March 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The first round failed to achieve any progress even on ancillary issues, such as humanitarian access to the besieged city of Homs.
Russian Foreign Minister: We Can’t Get Assad to Do Anything|Josh Rogin|February 1, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The most sustainable impact—assuming there are no hitches legally—will be ancillary things like that.
Ganjapreneurs Flock to Colorado Following Marijuana Legalization|Abby Haglage, Caitlin Dickson|January 29, 2014|DAILY BEAST
It was odd how the word seemed to shape the act, though one knew how ancillary it really was.
Tales Of Men And Ghosts|Edith Wharton
The Legal economy is ancillary thereto; it never professed to accomplish the work of grace, as the Judaists would have it do.
The Expositor's Bible: The Epistle to the Galatians|G. G. Findlay
But such non-destructive means would have an ancillary role.
Shock and Awe|Harlan K. Ullman
The evidence for the ancillary dmons and gods he finds in the familiar places.
The Conflict of Religions in the Early Roman Empire|T. R. Glover
This is the case among the leisure class and among certain portions of the population which are ancillary to that class.
The Theory of the Leisure Class|Thorstein Veblen
British Dictionary definitions for ancillary
/ (ænˈsɪlərɪ) /
auxiliary; supplementaryancillary services
a subsidiary or auxiliary thing or personthe company has an ancillary abroad
Word Origin for ancillary
C17: from Latin ancillāris concerning maidservants, from ancilla, diminutive of ancūla female servant