And yes, he is far from the only penny-pinching conservative in politics who also favors tax cuts for the wealthy.
Some Catholic Leaders Speaking Out Against Paul Ryan’s Budget-Cutting|Lauren Ashburn|August 20, 2012|DAILY BEAST
CBS is a close, penny-pinching second, and CNBC wins the thrifty award for cable.
You’re Worth How Much? TV Anchors, by the Numbers|Paula Froelich|August 8, 2012|DAILY BEAST
The middle class claims these women, expecting that each grand flourish be balanced by a penny-pinching gesture.
The Tricky Traveling Wardrobe|Robin Givhan|July 19, 2011|DAILY BEAST
Of course, that shouldn't be—you construe that as you please, but if you think it is penny-pinching it may be.
Warren Commission (9 of 26): Hearings Vol. IX (of 15)|The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy
Hang these penny-pinching fathers, that cram wealth in innocent lamb-skins.
The Mermaid Series. Edited by H. Ellis. The best plays of the old dramatists. Thomas Dekker. Edited, with an introduction and notes by Ernest Rhys.|Thomas Dekker
That penny-pinching Skinner wants me to cut corners and get myself into trouble so he can fire me.